I'm Going Insane

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My head pounding the next morning. I groaned, rubbing my temples. I slowly peeled my eyes open, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light. Wait, my room in that cabin doesn't have that much light shine in.

I shot up, taking in my surroundings. I gasped, my hand covering my mouth. Tears filled the edges of my eyes.

I was home.

I grabbed my phone off the side table and turned it on. Just as I went to unlock it, something on the screen caught my eye. The date says October 7, 2017. Wait a second, isn't it supposed to be in November already?! What the heck!

I dialed Mae's number when I saw her body on the other side of the couch. I set my phone down and jogged over to her. I kept nudging her shoulder and when that didn't wake her up, I sat on her stomach. Mae woke up gasping and started pushing at my body.

"Get off me you fat pig!" Mae exclaimed. I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart as I stood up.

"How dare you!" I joked before I went serious. "We need to talk." Mae's eyes widen before she nodded.

"Yah, we do." She replied. I sat down beside her, fiddling with my fingers. It was quiet for a moment.

"Was it a dream?!" Mae and I asked at the same time. We giggled a little before going serious again. I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"It felt so real." I told my best friend, laying on my back. Mae leaned back beside me, looking up at the ceiling.

"Same. But I'm glad it was just a dream."

I let out a quiet laugh. "Yah, I thought that I was going insane." Mae looked at me before bursting out into a fit of laughter. I joined her.

Our moment was cut short when my bedroom door opened. I saw a mob of brown hair first. It was Jason. (A/N  I can't remember if I put it in or not but Jason is five and Ben is three). I smiled, sitting upright.

"Hey bud, what's up?" I asked, standing up and walking over to him. Jason shyly looked down, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Chloe is crying." He whispered. I nodded.

"Thanks bud. You can sit on the couch and my friend Mae can turn on some TV for you." I offered, giving him a gentle push towards the couch. I walked into my room and that's when I heard the crying. I went over to Chloe's makeshift bed and lifted her into my arms, gently patting her back.

"Shhh, it's ok. Shhh." I whispered in her ear. Once she was just sniffling, I walked into the kitchen, looking for some milk. I smiled when I saw baby formula sitting on the counter, a bottle beside it. I filled the bottle up and put it in the microwave. When the microwave beeped, I checked the milk and deemed it ok.

I cradle Chloe in my arms, going over to the couch. Mae smiled at the sight of Chloe. I carefully pushed the bottle into her mouth and she eagerly drank it.

"Good morning Logang! Today is a big day!" Logan said, walking out of his bedroom, vlogging, obviously. Logan grinned when he saw us and flipped the camera towards us. "Oh yah! I'd like you to meet the new edition to the family. Jason and Chloe, and then there's Ben but he must still be sleeping. We aren't quite ready to tell yet why they are here." I nodded in agreement, placing a rag over my shoulder. I took the bottle away from Chloe and stood her upright in my lap. I patted her back until she let out a big long berp.

I laughed with Mae, shaking my head and smiling. "She is definitely a Paul." I said, grabbing a binky. I placed Chloe in the play pen in the corner and handed her some toys.

Logan chuckled. "Of course she is." Logan placed his arm around my shoulder and an idea came to mind. I smirked and Logan noticed. "Oh god, what now?" Logan said, still vlogging. I laughed a little.

"Guess what you get to do today, Logan." I told him, taking the camera away from him. I directed it towards him. Logan raised his eyebrows.

"Should I be scared?!" Logan asked. I shrugged, the smirk still on my face. Mae came and stood beside me, a confused look on her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Logan gets to go search for houses today as we are getting evicted, as you all know, and we don't have enough room for all of us. And then tomorrow, Logan gets to help me go shopping for the young ones. And after we get a house, Logan gets to go shopping once again."

I swear that Logan was going to faint right then and there. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly ajar. Mae was stiffling her laughter behind her hand. I'm so glad that I got this on camera, actually, I'm glad that this is going to be on the video. Hehe, I'm such an amazing sister.

"Wats wong wif him?" A voice asked. I turned my head to see Ben standing in front of my bedroom door, yawning slightly. I laughed, smacking Logan upside the head. That got him out of his trance.

"Nothing, he's just in shock. Are you hungry bud?" I asked, handing the camera back to my brother. Ben nodded, yawning once again. I walked towards him and placed him on my hip, looking in the fridge and cupboards.

"Let's see, there's cereal, yogurt, pancakes, waff-" Ben cut me off, bouncing with excitement.

"PANCAKES!" Ben shouted. I smiled.

"Ok. But you gotta quiet down bud." I told him, setting him down on the floor. Ben nodded, running into the living room and jumping onto Logan's lap. "Jason, do you want pancakes?' Jason nodded really fast. I dug everything out and started making the pancakes.

Faith loved pancakes. I definitely know were they got there love for pancakes from. If Aunt Gale and Uncle John would've let her when she was a kid, Faith could've lived off of pancakes. No joke.

I placed the now done pancakes on the table, along with syrup, butter, and orange juice. I whistled and everyone came running. I already made Ben and Jason's plate, so they quickly dug in. I sat down beside Mae, getting my own pancakes. I looked around the table, smiling.

I love my family.

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