Thank god I wasnt dreaming

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Suddenly he stood up and took off his mask and revealed himself as Peter.

My heart started beating very fast, my palms got sweaty, and my body was trembling. Why didn't I connect the dots? How was I so stupid?

"Y/N, its me, Peter."

I stood up and pulled off my wig, my mask, and looked him in the eyes. I didn't know what else to say except,
"You love me?"
"I love you too."

Then it happened.

His arms pulled me into him by my waist, and my hands combed through his hair. As usual, I could seek out the strong scent of his cologne. Our lips brushed against each other shyly, creating a gradual approach. Peter's lips gingerly made contact with mine, trying to be as innocent and sweet as possible. But his heavy breathing made it obvious he was desperate for more. I became more passionate with the kiss, allowing him to do so as well. We took short breaths in between, refusing to stop. Peter's left hand moved up my waist and met the side of my face, supporting it. Sparks were flying, time stopped, and I smiled through the kiss. As much as I didn't want it to end, we eventually pulled away.

"Since sixth grade?" I asked.
"Since sixth grade." Peter responded, biting his lip.
"Me too" I laughed awkwardly, "I think I'm supposed to be mad at you, or maybe you're supposed to be mad at me. This is just-"
"Can we just agree that we didn't tell each other any of this because we were both scared, and it's not really anyone's fault." He interrupted.

I was still very close to peter and could feel his hot breath on my face as he spoke.
"Of course we can. And as much I as regret it, maybe I don't. I don't know what I'm trying to say, it's all very confusing." Peter began to laugh,
"I'm glad we've sorted this through." Then he pulled away, "But we should probably find somewhere private before our identities become... ya know... known."
"Right! Where should we go?" I ask.
"Just put your wig and mask on, I'll take us to my place."
"But then they'll see where you live, and they'll know it's you. Or, us." I panicked, overthinking everything, as usual.

"Don't worry, I know my around things." He promised. I pressed my lips together and nodded my head as I finished up my mask and wig, not caring how sloppy it looked.

Peter landed us in a dark alleyway, just down the block from his place. He picked up a backpack behind a dumpster and brought out some clothes. After he changed he looked over at me, for I had only taken off my wig and mask. He tilted his head and asked,
"Are you gonna change?" I laughed and responded with,
"Peter, I don't have anything to change into!"
"Oh! Duh!" Peter quickly threw me a red sweatshirt and a pair of tennis shoes. He stuffed my wig, mask, and boots in his bag and we called it a day.

We walked to his apartment as I called my mom to let her know I was spending the night at peters. She agreed due to the fact that home wasn't the safest place for me. I also made sure to check if she was doing alright, I didn't want to totally abandon her if she was horribly hurt, but she was ok.

When we arrived at the apartment, Peter got a call from Aunt May, apologizing that she had a night shift and wouldn't be back till tomorrow afternoon. Peter looked bummed at first but forgave her. That way he and I could catch up on how each of us 'came to be'.

It was a perfect night, a perfect scenario, almost too perfect. I began to question if it was real. I gave myself a tight pinch on my left arm,
"Ow!" I whispered. Peters head quickly spun around,
"You alright?" He looked worried.
"Yeah, just pulled a muscle." I lied and smiled at him.

But thank god I wasn't dreaming.

Peter led me through he and Aunt May's messy apartment as if I hadn't been there billions of times before. We entered his room and instantly landed on the bed, still exhausted from the night. I rolled to the side and met eyes with Peter. I studied his puppy brown eyes and smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" He flirted. I stuck my tongue out at him and sat up. I grabbed a pillow and playfully hit him with it. "Hey, when did this become abuse Peter night?" I laughed and responded with,
"Ever since..." I hesitated, wait a second, I didn't have a comeback! Peter soon recognized the look of regret that had struck my face,
"No. Way. Y/N doesn't have a comeback? This is-"
I cut him off,
"A RARE OCCASION!" I swung a pillow at him again, but this time he dodged. I pouted at my failed attempt, and set the pillow down.

Peter laughed and interlocked his fingers with mine. He leaned in and our foreheads touched. The tension between us was a new feeling, but it wasn't an unwanted one. Peter spoke,
"I can't stop thinking about that kiss." I closed my eyes and chuckled,
"It's only been an hour."
"I know." He licked his lips before leaning in closer. Once again, my lips met his, and we kissed. This one more inviting than the last, each of us becoming more comfortable with each other.

"Why did I wait so long, Y/N?" Peter whispered once he pulled away. I made eye contact with him and shook my head as I blushed,
"Don't ask me Parker." He brushed my hair behind my ear and cheekily grinned,
"Ok, L/N" (last name)

It's Me, Peter- Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now