You, and only you

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Peter and I stayed up all night talking about everything we've missed out on. Despite being best friends, there was so much each of us needed to know.

"So how long has this been going on? Six months, I'm assuming?" I ask him.
"Yeah, six months," he replied, "It all started when we went on that school field trip. The one at Oscorp. I got bit by a radioactive spider and woke up a new person. Eventually Tony Stark, iron man, found me and gave me this new suit. So that's the 'stark internship'. He basically gives me missions and keeps me under control."
"So only him, Aunt May, and I know?" I ask.
"No, Aunt May doesn't know, just you and Mr. Stark."
"Huh. So that's it?"
"That's all I have to say I guess. Theres not much to it."
"Well I suppose I should tell you more about me. And by the way, when I use my powers my nose bleeds. And the energy gets drained out of me, it depends how much I do."
"How much can you do?" Peter asks out of curiosity and concern.
"Anything you can imagine. As long as it's humanly possible. I can't create an exotic alien."
"Could you kill someone?" He asked.
"I haven't tried it but, I think so."
"How do you know."
"I've killed insects with my mind in real life. Why would it be any different for a human." It was a scary thought- killing someone else. Taking away someone's entire soul, everything they've ever known.
"Thats kinda cool. I mean it's scary but it's cool." I quickly perked up and replied,
"Yeah, I'd only do it in a major emergency. Like, if it was a serial killer killing everybody including an attempt at me. I don't intend to kill, no one deserves that. But it would definitely be really badass." We laughed.

"So, anyway, how long have you had this, why, who, where, what, how?" Peter joked.
"I've had it my whole life actually. I'd like to think I know the reason but I can't verify it."
"What do you think it is?" He said with an emphasis on the 'think'.
"I never met my birth mother, but they took me away from her for a reason. And I once found a note from her in my baby clothes. It said something like, 'I know you're still alive. The nurses lied and I still love you. You are MY daughter, and I WILL see you again someday.' Blah blah blah... So after a lot of research and connecting the dots, its most likely she was on drugs when she was pregnant with me. Which is why they took me away from her and why I have the powers I have."
"Should we try and find her?"
"I've already tried once before, but maybe I'll be more successful with a partner in crime." I smirked at him.
"So, besides Kayla, am I the only one who knows your secret?" Peter grinned as he moved closer to me.
"Yep, you and only you."
"I like to here that." He bit his lip and looked at me longingly.

Peter was tracing circles on my arms as we cuddled but sat up when a thought crossed his mind.
"So I'm guessing this makes me your boyfriend?"
"But it also makes me your girlfriend." I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him towards me. His body was hovering above mine as I lay on the bed. Peter buried his face into my neck and grinned,
"That's good."

It's Me, Peter- Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now