Peter is something

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Peter and I walked on campus of our school hand in hand. My left index finger slightly aching with a bandage wrapped around it. I was still slightly overwhelmed by our event at the coffee shop this morning. It was hard to take it all in, but with peter by my side, I knew I could make it through the day.

Our friends Ned and Michelle spotted us and their jaws dropped,
"Omg. I freaking knew this would happen." Ned beamed.
"It was so obvious you two, there's no way this was never going to happen." Michelle added. I raised my eyebrows at her and smirked,
"How was it obvious?" I asked.
"Literally, all you two would do is flirt."
"And how do you know how flirting works?" I asked Michelle.
"I've read a couple romance novels." Michelle looked off to the side and and twirled a strand of hair with her finger. Michelle doesn't fidget a lot. But when she does, it's because of this exact reason.

I glared at Michelle with doubt and disbelief, she noticed.
"Okay, okay, there's this guy!" We all gasped simultaneously.
"No way!" Peter squeezed my hand unintentionally.
"You never told me this!" Ned put his hand on his chest, clearly offended.
"I don't want to talk about it." Michelle turned around and walked away, but we all ran to catch up with her.

It took us a while to get her to spill the name, and it turned out to be Josh Summers.
Josh was another socially awkward kid, just like Michelle. Josh disliked most people, so did Michelle, josh wore random Band Tees he knew nothing about, so did Michelle.

It was a perfect match, since Michelle wasn't one to share such emotions with just anyone. Plus it was nice not having the attention on me for a hot minute. But that eventually changed. Every time I would kiss peter, or he would kiss me, Ned and Michelle would not stop rambling about how cliche we were. At least I shared the spotlight with Peter.


I went to the library during free period to checkout the new textbook for Geography class.

I walked into the big, clustered room with shelves reaching the ceiling. Books would pile up all the way to the very top, you would need a ladder to get up there. The lighting was dim because of the lack of windows, which made it so much cozier. You could sit in one of the big cushioned chairs and sink into a good book.

Most days I would hide in the back corner and either read or write a gushy romance novel. They were my guilty pleasure.

I found myself in the textbook section of the library and looked around, desperately trying to find a white geography book. Then I spotted it; it was about 7 ft up. Me being my 5'3 self, couldn't reach it. I stood on the very tips of my toes and reached my arm up as high as possible. I wiggled my fingers and felt the edge of the book brush my fingertips. Therefore, I believed that there was still hope. I was stretched so far up that my shirt hovered right above my belly button.

Two warm hands wrapped around my waist as I squealed from being both startled and tickled. I turned around and met eyes with peter as he began to lift me up. I grinned and turned back around to grab my book before peter dropped me. Once my feet made contact with the ground, I dropped the textbook. I turned to face peter and put my hands on his shoulders,
"Thanks for the help, but you startled me quite a bit." I told him. Peters face went red as he apologized,
"Sorry babe." I just laughed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Don't be." Peter bit his lip and looked up from the floor, to me. His dark brown eyes that were so doe-like and mysterious, they made me lose reality. The ends of his hair started to form curls and ringlets from the humidity, and the dimness of the room exaggerated each shadow from his carved features on his face. I've studied each little freckle or scar well enough to paint a portrait of him from memory. His pupils expanded as he began to speak,
"So I was wondering, this Friday, if you would like to go on a date?" I smiled at the thought of peter picking me up from my house, dressed real nice, and taking me somewhere we could spend time together.
"Of course, Peter, I'd love that. Where should we go?" I brushed back a curl so it was out of his face. The bandaid on my finger tickled his head. His giggled and responded,
"You'll have to find out. But I'll pick you up on Friday night, wherever you're staying, and don't feel the need to dress up real fancy."
"Alright, I see how it is. What time?"
"I'll get back to you on that." He smirked and leaned in for a kiss. I relaxed into it, not allowing a fight for dominance, but instead a coordinated dance. The kiss was short and sweet, but still special. Peter pulled away and looked as if he just remembered something.
"Now I've got to explain why I took so long in the bathroom." He held up his bathroom pass as I became flattered that he took the risk of getting in trouble for skipping class, just to see me. Peter was never the type to get in trouble because of something so stupid.

He ran off and I walked up to the front desk and checked out my textbook. I could still feel his warm touch against my skin, which made me continuously blush. Peter is something.

The librarian noticed the huge grin on my face and asked,
"Who's making you so giddy?" I sighed and replied with,
"Thank god for bathroom passes."

It's Me, Peter- Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now