Coffee house Coincidence

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My mother weakly attempted to holler at me,
"You haven't had breakfast yet! It's only 7:05! What are you doing?"

I ignored her and continued to storm off. I didn't know where I was going, but I kept going.

I ran down the block, across the street, down two more blocks, a left, a right, straight ahead, a left, and around the corner.

Mama's coffee house.

I stepped inside the old rundown building when my nose was instantly filled with the scent of espresso. Freshly brewed.

It was quite empty at this time of morning. Just a college kid sunk into his laptop, probably drinking a sugary coffee.
And a middle aged man holding up the most recent 'New York Times' paper. He was taking his coffee black.
Then there was me. I walked up to the counter, not having to worry about a line, and ordered my usual. A mocha lite frappe.

I payed for my order and found an isolated seat with a small, round table so I could get a head start on schoolwork, to get my mind off of everything. I opened my bag and noticed two items in there that didn't belong. My note from my birth mother, and my Stark 'internship' ID. I figured it accidentally fell in there when I began to pack my room.

Right before I could put it away, I got a call from peter,
"Hello" I greeted.
"Good morning Miss Y/N" Peter spoke.
"Good morning Peter Parker. Why do you call?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to meet me at Mama's coffee house?"
"Already there."
"Yeah I've had a bit of a rough morning. I'll explain everything once you get here."
"Aw I'm sorry, I'll get there as soon as I can! Love you!"
"Love you too." I smiled while I hung up the phone. I pulled out some textbooks, my laptop, highlighters, and got to work.

I was so focused on what I was doing I didn't even notice peter walk in the door and order his drink. I felt a strong, warm arm around my shoulder and a gentle kiss on my cheek. I blushed and looked up at my boyfriend,
"Well hello there!" I grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek back. He found a seat right across from me and set down his iced coffee.
"So, I heard your morning has been..."
"Not the greatest." I sighed.
"Rant about it. I'll listen." He assured. I closed my textbook and began to tell him how I woke up at 5:00.

"Should I mention, I was already upset from the night before."
"Well what happened?"
"I-I'm not going to be living with my adoptive family anymore." Peter looked as if his heart dropped and he grabbed my hand.
"Your mom, she's your mom, you won't see her"
"Right. But she's doing it for my safety. Plus, I know she'll be safer. This whole time they've been fighting over me and whether or not I deserve to be apart of the family."
"What in the world could make your father think that?"
"Maybe he knows about what I can do." I mentioned very quietly as I looked around the coffee shop, hoping no one would listen too closely.
"Then why would he not confront you about it?"
"Because he's scared- he doesn't want anything to do with it. If people find out then they'll experiment on me, remember? He doesn't want to deal with that crap, it could get very expensive, very fast. Or maybe he's just hiding something. Something that would destroy him if he's investigated."
"That makes sense, but, where are you moving? Not far? Right?" Peter was sweating at this point, surprisingly more anxious than me.
"I don't know who's gonna take me. But I know for sure that I'm not moving schools." Peter gave a sigh of relief and nodded his head,
"So you're moving tonight? That's why you packed all your stuff, I was a little confused and concerned for a second." I laughed a little and responded,
"Yes, that's why I was packing. Just to get a head start."
"I'll help you move tonight, I'll introduce myself to the family that's taking you. I can talk about what an amazing person you are, and how lucky they are to have you-" I couldn't help but blush as I thanked Peter and flirtatiously told him to stop.

When I remembered,
"Oh crap- I have to reschedule with Mr. Stark! Do you mind if I do that for one sec?" I asked.
"Not at all, go ahead." I picked up my phone and chose his contact, then I hit call, he instantly picked up.
"Hello?" He said.
"Mr. Stark? This is Y/N."
"Oh hi Y/N, what brings you to the phone?"
"Well I wanted to let you know that I have to reschedule tonight if that's alright with you. I'm really sorry."
"Listen kid, don't sweat it, I was just about to do the same thing. There will always be those last minute emergencies that ruin the fun, but I'll see you later in the week alright?"
"Oh okay, see you then." I hung up and looked at peter.
"Wait- what did Mr. Stark say?" He asked.
"He was just about to cancel plans as well, I just thought it was weird." Peter ruffled his hair,
"Hm, probably just a coincidence." I agreed with him. 

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