Sun Sets In The South

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Sun Sets In The South

and the portals open for you to torment me

An entity which i praised

Now wont leave my bedside

Used to wash your feet

And kiss them like they were of my own flesh

Used to want to be your servant

Catering to every single emotion

You put out

I reached in desperate codependency

To be the thing i wanted you to be

My hands carved clay sculptures while you weren't looking

The wet gush was a fetish doll

That became my obsession

I fed

I talked to

I had sex with

This doll

And as time progressed

I became hungrier

And hungrier

To shape the actual human

So i took my tools

And seduced you into the hands

That washed your feet

With scalpel laced in finger tips

I began cutting at the seams of your humanoid form

And with this want i fabricated you

In the likeness of my dreams

All the energy of idealized love now allow you to stay alive

For awhile i catered to you

Like a baby you were

Spoiled with evasion

No where could you go alone

My creation i wanted to admire

At every waking moment

For a while i allowed our thoughts to merge

And your voice was mine

My voice was yours

Now i wish i could take back the hours

The days

The seconds

I sustained


My genesis

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