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I don't hate responsibility
I just dislike responds to my ability
To be self
Like I was made to
A silky red dress
Pink background
And flowers
Of those colors
All around
But when I was born
It wasn't
When I was born
My mama's
Inner womb juice
Covered my whole body
Blood everywhere...
I don't hate responsibility
I just dislike responds to my ability
To be self
Like I was made
From cake batter
Super sweet
And sugary
But if you taste me
Depending on what I ate yesterday
The flavor is unlikely to be pastry
More like bitter
See what I'm saying
Is that I really don't hate responsibility
I just dislike responds to my ability
To be self
Because when I came here
Someone thought is was cool
To place a name tag
On my breast labeled
Property of BEAUTY
Magazine covers
& shoots
Trying to make me responsible for turning
My ugly into something
That can caress the eye sockets
Of witnesses around me
But I'm not responsible
For making people comfortable
If that means
Dry ass hair
Pimple filled face
Opinionated tongue
And baggy eyes
Can't come to the party

Cause my ability to be self
Ain't got nothing to do
People pleasing

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