Looking Past

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Beside the eyes
That view I
And roam on me
Scanning & Analyzing
Taking mental imagery
Patterned perceptions
Of what my
I am is
Correlating past associations
To target thoughts around
The Who of I
Around the
wassup with you
That stands here
I ask
Do my actions speak louder than the words
I edge out of the depths
Of throat
Right now
Or is there something deeper
That entices connections
And the want to know
Is there something penetrating that speaks
Everyone listening
Because my skin
With the tint you perceive
& all the correlations
That we latch on to this
Are temporary
Because my hair
With the texture
It upholds
Is temporary
My clothes are also limited
As I continuously shed them
Day in & Day out

Because my body is just a host
A external reflection
A momentary vessel
Because even my thoughts
And the acts to express them outwardly
Are just shifting experiences
Dissolving and forming
Ebbing and flowly
As they please

Close the eyes
That view I
For outer image
Between the folds of flesh
And the hologram projection
Your witnessing
Lies something deeper
Something called

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