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Pretty girl
Always wanted to be the pretty girl
With the face like gild & a smile like unstained glass
Ever was though one instead ad teeth like broken glass
Stained by the inability to be hostess
Cause I could not hold on to outer persona
& the social mask didn't fit on me
When I was born
So the socials
Could always see
Right into me or through me
Appeasing girl
Always wanted to be the appeasing girl
With eyes that opened bridges to be liked
& words like honey
Sticking to hearts
In sweet nothings
Never was though
One instead had words like kaliscopes
Stained by colored glass
By the inability to get on my knees
And  suck up to all in illusion above me
Social masks
Were either too big or too small for me
So the socials
Could always see
I wasn't playing the same game
& they ran
So I'll just be the loner girl
Always the loner girl
With a face like the voids of space
A smile that does not invite
Instead teeth knaw at the masks around me
To show the stains that I could never
So one day I can be truly seen

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