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always outta bounds
fluctuating sounds
of screams spruing
from my mouth and….
from the one that birthed me
slowly metamphoring
seems to be my worst enemy
and the cycle of hurt continues
untill I am stuck in
every time the calm of the storm
catches me in its illusion
i am made to believe
that peace should be given to me
On platters
and that am rich in regular healthy home structures
but then the silence and anticipation
swallow me hole
and its me and you
and you and me
at odds
a laying on of hands….
one that harms
the one who birthed me
slowly metamorphing
seems to be my worst enemy
And the cycle of hurt continues
untill I am stuck in
always outta bounds
from my own home
on to couches
and tables
and chairs
never comfortable
always on edge
security is a commodity
I never had the pleasure to partake in

A Slew of Poems UnrevisedWhere stories live. Discover now