Tapped in Mercury Rx

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Telephone mania
Everyone speaking
But not listening...
To what is being said
Mouths gape open
& engulp sharp tongues
To slay the one on the other line
When the ringing begins
& somebody picks up
Fill the speakers soundwaves projects
He calls her bitch
& by the dial tone of his voice
He knows no such thing..

Click over to the other line
Shooting ultimatums
Mail that is black
Is being shipped in
Mutimedia messaging
Money is focal point
& if not received
The shooting will become...
Than just bandwidth noise...
On telecommunications devices

Telephone hestria
Everybody typing
But not understanding what is being read
Fingers stretch out
& grip sharp nails
To slice the one on the other line
When the clicking begins
& somebody receives notification
& Threat
Fill typers wordwaves projects
They spell out the word slut
Undercomment sections
Under bridges they stay
Annonymous trolling
Safe keepers of the cruel

Swipe left
For bickering &
Feel the voids of internet space
Where opinion can't just be opinion
& has to be true
& if you don't agree
They'll throw hostile contacts
At you

Telephone illusions
Everybody in secrets
There but not here
Boldness on display
With cellular like...
Devils advocate
I can be anything in this box
So when somebody tunes in
Projected are vibrations
Of gossip
Filling the world with
Non face value bullshit &

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