He said All Women 3 Times Strike Out

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All women
Ain't all women
& if you say that again
Maybe karma will create a internal box
For you to know how it feels to be boxed in
When I was birthed
I was women
& decided to stay women
But I ain't all women
With your mirocscope
Ya think you know
About all women
What they do
Their mannerisms
How they act
so when….
I do that thing
That makes your head check plus
In your tiny mental box…
"Things ALL women think, like, do, & enjoy"
I know…
you'll be sure to remind me
How ALL women do that, like that, & think that.
Well I wanted to ask you this & I think I will now
Who made you historian, expert, & professional on all things women?
Who made you pussy policy??
Because last time I pulled down my pants…
& looked at my clitoris
I saw no labels
With instructions on how to be a women
Hey you don't even have to have a pussy
To be considered
Or consider ya self
So please…
Next time you think to say
" all women"
Just remember there are over 3 billion of us
In the world
So your closed perception
Of women
Ain't all women

A Slew of Poems UnrevisedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora