Trendy in Yellow

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I rather open this portal
To everything
Then search for all things outside of…
That are not mine
Or latch on to the perception
That anything is mine


To be one
Or what I think is one
In further monochrome
Cuts at all that…
I already am.

Everything goes by eye
And I see the women in yellow
Stuck in yellow screen
She filters herself
In that color
Then it becomes to often
But others see
the monochrome trend
And decide to latch on

Feeding yellow through their eye sockets
addicted to the way
she never evolves
Or never changes
does not know herself
only speaks

I left that yellow…
Fuck that yellow
In singularly

I left the hue
From mouth
From exhale
& inhale
From action

I left that hue
For a kaliscope

I left that hue
For the everything
That is not mine
But that I embody

I left that hue
For the rainbow

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