a seat of happiness

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Eye reserved a seat of happiness
At the table of forever
clothed with love & acceptance of diversity
Eye reserved a seat of happiness
At the table of forever
Clothed with laughter & much needed TLC
Eye reserved of seat of happiness
For my sisters & brothers
For my lovers & anothers
For my family with & without blood
For everyone here & there
Near & far
Eye reserved a seat of happiness
For those stuck in the cycle of 9 to 5
Trying to buy some time
To spend on there actual life
Outside of cubicles & desks
Stressing, working & wishing
till approximately 60 + 5 
On that retirement smile
So I'll ask the waiter of joy
To hand them a toy
So they will forget to work before play

Eye reseved a seat of happiness
For teenage angst
Feeling misunderstood & inadequate of adulthood
With too high or too low expectations of what to become
So many choices so many avenues under the sun
to create space from being told
What should be done
So I'll tell the security guards to take  a break from their jobs
With a toy
Now they can dance on the tables & bumb that music louder than ever
Reprimanding eradicated

Eye reserved a seat of happiness
at the table of forever
For those with mental, emotional, physical, & even
spiritual health issues
Some days are okay but others are really hard
Especially, to embrace liveliness
When living has its own set of burdens, seen & unseen scars
So I'll call upon the mystical chef to whip up healing foods
Each bite taken grants relieve from pain
& if that doesn't help love juice
Is poured from pure heart to yours
As well as free of charge shoulders to lean on while mantras say
on replay

Eye reserved a seat of happiness
At the table of forever
For those marginalized in all societies based on what ever popular binary of the moment
Whether it be class, gender, religion, race
Or just someone's "funny looking face" etc
Struggles persist on to be heard
Persist on to see unity
In the home, on the job, but most importantly
On the streets
Everyday people
Everyday people
Everyday people
the pursuit of happiness still belongs to the people
Decided by the people

not the Congress's elongated workbenches
Where people sometimes forget about people's natural right to be contentment
With life
For all of us no matter who we are, no matter where we stay, no matter where we work & play, no matter if we are straight, non-gender conforming, &/or gay, no matter colors & looks of  faces, hair, even ass's
I don't care
We shouldn't care
To reserve a seat of happiness
At the table of forever
clothed with love & acceptance of diversity

To reserve a seat of happiness
At the table of forever
Clothed with laughter & much needed TLC
To reserve a seat of happiness
For our sisters & brothers
For our lovers & anothers
For our family with & without blood
For everyone here & there
Near & far
So we don't have to keep asking, begging, pleding
For a seat at the table

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