Ache Of Endurance

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Raw flesh hits ground
Fire ignites under feet
And running begins on dirt
Fast Fast Fast
Is all that duplicates itself over my head
My toes curl the grass
And rip the flora
Leaving marks
Crushed petals bleeding
But the pain is not
Swift enough to catch me
So I continue to shed air
Over my skin
These stepping mechanisms
Will not yield
For a second
For a minute
For a phrase
Or even for a single tear to fall
& create Niagara falls on my cheeks
Temperance does not know me.
And patience doesn't frequent here often
When the word ESCAPISM
Is the lover that leaves imprints on my sheets
Is the sprinter within me
That fears
For any thing that's longer
Than my attention can
Attach to & use quickly

Because slowness means uncomfortablility
It means voluntarily laying in quicksand
It means suffering.
So if can accelerate past feeling
Race against distress
Then maybe I can avoid
The ache of endurance

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