The Next Step Love Story

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Emily's POV

Riley had been out late last night. We are about to leave for dance but I can tell by the way she keeps coming down the stairs to ask how her outfit is that something is up. She is in love. Knowing my sister I can tell. Plus we have a special sisterly bond. When she comes down the stairs for the fifth time she is wearing the first outfit she ever wore to A troupe. The blue striped top with the pink one under it and blue shorts.
"How do I.."
"Fine, can we go now?" I ask.
"Fine." We get in the car. When we get there Riley takes close care to stay away from James. I knew they broke up but they were still friends so I found this behaviour strange. When she asked James to accompany her alone to studio B I knew something was up.

Riley's POV

I asked James to come with me to studio B because last night was not something friends would do, so I wanted to know if we were getting back together.
"So.." I say.
"So what"
"Are we together again?" James didn't answer, he just took a few steps away from me. Then did a backflip, kissed me, and ran to studio A. I chuckled to myself and started heading back.

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