The Next Step Love Story

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Riley's POV

I have been trying to remember everything. I know Emily's my sister, but I can't see it. I now know my parents, but as I mentioned, I'm having trouble with Emily. I know the choreography for dance, but I can't remember how to do it. Everyone's so sweet. I now know James and I aren't married, it was just a dream, like Dorothy and Oz. I think I have new things I like. I visit the doctors every week to see if I remember anything new. Emily's mad at me for not remembering her, but I can't help it. The doctors say I'm improving my memory, but I'm not sure. I remember my passion for dance. You may wonder how I took dance. Mom had left the photo album out. I was flipping through it when I saw me as a kid in my very first dance outfit. That's how I remembered all the years of dance. It is very hard to remember things you forget, but I am doing pretty good I think. I'm learning my way around the town again though. And I'm not allowed to drive. I remember I'm 16. "Emily!"
"Yes!" She thinks whenever I call her I'm going to say I remember her.
"What time is it?"
"Oh.. It's 3:07."
"Ok. Can we go for ice cream?"
"C'mon." We walk around the corner. I then see the seeds dancers doing flips and dance moves.
"My turn!"
"Riley!!!" I run and flip, land and pirouette. Emily stares at me with her mouth open. Then she starts texting.
To: Stephanie
Riley can flip and dance!:) -Emily
She sent it.

Stephanie's POV

At my house when I get Emily's text. I read it, and reread it, and rereread it. Then text Chloe and Tiffany. It eventually gets texted to everyone in A troupe.

Riley's POV

I got a double chocolate chunk and Emily got a mixed berry. We sat outside and ate our ice creams. Then I saw Beth.
"Good job Riley." She's happy when I remember something because it's good. "Where is regionals?" She asked herself.
"Riley, that's right!" She texts Stephanie again and tells her. It feels great to remember things.

**************At dance**************

Riley's POV

"Riley, you still can't do the routine you don't know it still." Michelle said.
"Yes I can." I start the music and watch them. I'm still not still allowed! After a couple times, Michelle tells everyone to take 5. Everyone except for me goes to the juice bar.
"Riley, don't dance. I don't want you to Hirt yourself again."
"Ok Emily." She left. I hook my phone up to the speaker and test it. It seems to work. I warm up.

James's POV

"Is it just me or do you guys hear music?" I say.
"Riley!" I can tell Emily doesn't want her to get hurt she starts running back. Half of A troupe follows to see what happens.

Riley's POV

I put on Hurricane and start dancing. It's the hardest I've ever danced. I see Emily come in. She's mad, but I keep dancing. I want to show her I can dance. I flip. She looks scared. I land and continue dancing. I jump up, and down. I flip, and down. When the song ends Emily walks up to me. She looks angry. "Riley! I told you to not dance!"
"But I didn't fall!"
"Emily, she amazing! Considering she hasn't danced for a month!" It was Chloe. I smiled. Emily frowned. I smiled even harder. Emily glared at me. I went down to squeezed with them. Chloe told everyone how good I was.

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