The Next Step Love Story

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Emily's POV

We're in the middle of dance practice when James and Riley walk in.

Tiffany's POV

Now James and Riley are here!Great now we can start line placement auditions! Wait, that came out wrong.

Riley's POV

I see James walk up to Emily. I don't know why.
"Your parents say you can't lock Riley in her room anymore." He says. Everyone gasps.

Daniel's POV

She didn't. That's so mean!

Michelle's POV

This is all my fault. How could I let Riley get locked in her room!

Stephanie's POV

I am hoping that Riley didn't tell Emily about me and Daniel because I forgot about our deal.

Riley's POV

Everyone is just staring around. Giving me guilty looks, shooting Emily the evil eye. Miss Kate suddenly comes out of her office.

Kate's POV

I come out to see everyone staring at Emily and Riley. Wait, Riley's here! Great!
"Riley, why weren't you here yesterday?"
"Emily locked her in her room." Daniel said.
"Daniel, it's not nice to make assumptions."
"Miss Kate it's true, James told us." Eldon spoke up. This surprised us all.
"Is this true?"

Riley's POV

I don't know what to say. Everyone is staring at me. I sigh.
"Yes miss Kate." I said. Emily shot me a thanks for nothing look. The rest of dance is cancelled and miss Kate held Emily back to talk to her. Stephanie came up to me.
"Did you tell?" She sounded nervous.
"No." I answered.
"Well, you can now. I told her." she looked ashamed.
"I'm not gonna."
"Your secrets safe with me." She hugged me and ran off. Then Eldon came up to me.
"Why did Emily lock you in your room?"
"Uh.. She's just crazy sometimes." I didn't want to tell him the real reason.
"Oh, ok." I knew he wasn't satisfied but I wasn't going to tell him, I had Emily for that. As if matters couldn't get worse, at that moment Beth walks into the juice bar.
"Hey jamesie."
"What do you want Beth?" She is psycho no matter what she says.
"James. He's my boyfriend." I shot James a look. He didn't break up with her yet.
"Ah.. Beth I have something to tell you."
"Yes James?"
"I'm breaking up with you."
"You will pay Riley!"
"You can't be any worse than Emily." Everyone in A troupe around me laughed. Beth grunted and stomped away.

***********45 minutes later**********

Emily's POV

I can't believe Riley told on me. The sister war is on!

***********the next day*************

Emily's POV

The next day at dance was when I decided to get even. No one knew they were dating again so I am starting with that.
"Everyone gather round." I say when everyone gets in. Riley and James give each other a curious look then stands around me. I stand on a bench so everyone can see me.
"Everyone I have to tell you that James and Riley are...."

Riley's POV

Oh no! She wouldn't.
"Are..." She would!

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