The Next Step Love Story

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Riley's POV

I didn't know what to do. Maybe being locked in my room wouldn't be such a bad thing, but then again, I wouldn't see James again. And I am not a good lier. Maybe she won't think I'm lying.
"No, he does not."

Emily's POV

I know Riley's lying face, and she is giving it now. I don't want to humiliate her in front of everyone but if she is going to lie to my face, it may be the only way to get it out of her.

Riley's POV

I know what she is going to do. If she says anything I'm outta here.

Emily's POV

Riley's giving me her don't you dare face. She knows me too well.

Riley's POV

She is gonna do it! I can't believe it! She opens her mouth.
"Everyone I have something to say." But before she can say anything I run out.

Emily's POV

Riley just ran out. Now I know it's something bad.

James's POV

I don't know what just happened. I don't know wether I should follow Riley, or listen to Emily.

**********45 minutes later***********

Riley's POV

I am sitting on the porch outside my house wondering what Emily said about me. It could be something really bad I thought. Then James walks up.

James POV

I come to see Riley after dance because she ran out.
"Where's Emily?" she asks me.
"Still at the studio, I only just managed to slip away." she laughed.
"What did she say?" she asked.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, she stopped after you ran out."
"Ok." I knew she was sad.
"What about some ice cream?"
"Sure." We walked together to the Laura Secords around the corner. I got a large chocolate chuck, and she got a small strawberry. We sat on the bench outside because it was a warm day.

Michelle's POV

I am heading to get some ice cream, when I see Riley and James. They were talking on a bench. I know I'm still new here but I am pretty sure they broke up. Or did I imagine it. I'm not sure. But I then noticed Riley kissing his cheek. She doesn't do that anymore. I think. Anyway, I see them suck down. Wait, did they want to be seen?

James's POV

Michelle just looked at us, straight. Directly in our eyes. We ducked down as fast as we could but I know she saw us.

Riley's POV

Michelle just saw us! We're in trouble!

Chloe's POV

When I got a call from Michelle, I called Stephanie to ask.
"Hey! Are Riley and James dating?"
"Not that I remember. Why?"
" Because I think they kissed."
"What! Got to go bye."

Stephanie's POV

What! I gotta call Emily.
"Hey Emily!"
"Hey! What's up?"
"Um. Are Riley and James dating?"
"Chloe says they were kissing!"

Emily's POV

I am speechless. Why would they kiss? Wait! James does have something to do with why she was out so late!
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"Gotta go, bye Steph."
"Bye Em." I can't believe it! How could she! Ah. I'm going to figure this out. And then get her back.

Riley's POV

I get home and by the look Emily gives me I know she knows.
"So, Riley, anything new." Shout!
"Dance clothes?"
"I mean James!"
"What about him?"
"Riley come off it! I know you kissed!"
"Stephanie told you!"
"Yeah, she did!"
"Did she tell you she and Daniel were at the restaurant?!"
"She didn't tell me about a restaurant!"
"What did she tell you?!"
"That chloe got a call and asked. And that you were kissing!"
"So she didn't tell you about last night?!"
"No, wait you just told me a hint about what you were doing last night!" She smiled evilly. Now I'm stuck in my room. "No more dance. No more cellphone, pass it over, and you aren't allowed outside without supervision anymore." I knew she would. I reluctantly passed her my cell phone, and ran to my room crying. Why does she hate him so much?

Emily's POV

The next day at dance everyone is asking where Riley is. She must be hating her punishment.

James's POV

"James?" It was Michelle.
"Do you know where Riley is?"
"Okay." She walked away.

Kate's POV

I walk out and Riley is no where to be seen.
"Emily, do you know where Riley is?" I go to Emily first because she's Riley's sister, and she is always butting into Riley's business.
"No miss Kate." She said in her most fake voice. She defiantly knows.
"Oh well, I guess we have to start without her."

Michelle's POV

I know that it was my fault Riley is not here. Emily probably found out and grounded her.

************After dance*************

Riley's POV

I am literally locked in my room. Emily took the key. With Mom and Dad gone on business she's in charge. I'm never getting out. I'm never seeing James again. I start crying.

***********The next day*************

James's POV

I'm trying to see Riley, but Emily keeps stopping me. Soooo, I am going to break in. I know Emily is out so it should be a breeze. I get in, and sneak to her room. I turn the handle. It won't open! Why won't it open?! It's locked! Why is it locked?! She didn't! I turn the handle again. It still won't open! She did!
"What are you doing? How did you get in?!"
"Emily's out."
"Do you have the key!" Her voice was excited.
"No, where is it?"
"On her bedside table, I think."
"Ok, I'll be back."

Riley's POV

I am pressed against the door trying to see if I can hear James's footsteps. After a couple minutes I hear them.
"Got it!" he said. I heard a click and he opened the door.

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