The Next Step Love Story

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Emily's POV

It's hard. With Riley not remembering me. It's been 2 months. I'm starting to think she may never. She remembers big things like how to drive, and small things like her favourite kind of juice, but not her own sister. Why am I obsessing over it? She'll remember me soon. I hope.

Riley's POV

Emily finally let me dance. I think I'm happier now. She doesn't seem to be happy. I wonder why. Emily comes up with her drink. "Hey Riley." She is mad at something.
"Hey Em."
"Remembered me yet?"
"Are you really still mad because of that?!"
"Yes I am."
"I'll remember soon, I mean you said it wasn't bad."
"Can I interrupt?" It was Michelle.
"You told Riley it wasn't bad? So she doesn't know that it's the worst type of amnesia?!"

Emily's POV

"What?" Riley sounded worried.
"Riley.." She left before I could say anything.
"Emily." It was Eldon.
"Back to rehearsal!" I yelled. Everyone ran to their positions. I started the music as I wiped away a tear.

Riley's POV

She didn't tell me. Just like when we were 5 and she didn't tell me she'd have to go home while I stayed over night at the hospital. Or when she said I wouldn't like dance. Or when she "borrowed" my dress. Or when she... I remember Emily!

Emily's POV

We're in the middle of our routine when Riley runs in yelling "I remember Emily!"
"What!" I'm so happy to hear that.
"I remember everything! When we were 5 and you didn't tell me you had to go when I was at the hospital, and when you said I wouldn't like dance, you were way off by the way, and when you "borrowed" my dress, I need that back by the way."
"Riley you remember! And it's still too big for you." We laugh. The end! :)

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