The Next Step Love Story

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Riley's POV

"Are..." She would. She took a long steady breath. "Dating." She said in a calm voice. Please don't say anything about Saturday night I pleaded in my head.
"And get this. They were out Saturday night and won't tell me why. Not only that. She wasn't home till 1:00!" Now she had done it. She had crossed the line. Everyone looked at us. I didn't know what to do. James expression looked just like mine. Before I knew it I had burst into tears and ran out of the room. I found myself in studio B crying to myself.
"Riley?" It was a voice I hadn't heard in a while.
"Why are you crying?" I looked up to see Gisselle.
"What happened?"
"She told the whole troupe James and I were dating."
"And you wanted to keep it secret?"
"Yeah." I snuffled.

Michelle's POV

That was so mean of Emily. If I were Riley's sister I wouldn't tell the whole troupe her personal life. I look at James, he looks confused. I walk up to him.
"Everything alright?"
"Ya, what's wrong with Emily?"
"Don't know, she has never liked me."
"Me neither." I laugh at what he said.
"Why is she so mean to Riley?"
"She always has been."
"And Riley puts up with it?"
"Ya, she really has no other way to turn." I decide right then and there that I am going to see her.

Riley's POV

Michelle walks in to see me crying. She sits beside me. Giselle had went home.
"Everything alright?"
"Ya." I snuffle.
"Why is Emily so mean to you, your her sister!"
"I don't know. It's always been like that."
"Oh." I can tell she feels bad for me.
"RILEY!!!" I snuffle and look up to see Emily at the door. "It's time to go! Get in the car!" Michelle looks at me with a I'm so sorry for you expression. Reluctantly I obey, as I walk I start crying again.
"Now Riley, are you allowed to see James again?"
"He's a bad influence, no more James, and if you use dance class as time to hide away with him, I will pull you out!" My life is crashing down! At least Mom and Dad are home so maybe they can stop Emily.

*************At home***************

Riley's POV

It was dinner, we were all sitting together as a family when Mom asks "Honey, which James are you dating?"
"The one across the street." I say. Mom purses her lips.
"James Flanny?"
"Emily was right. The Flannys are our enemies. You are in your room except for dance and school."
"Also for meals, up now. We can't have you date such a disgrace."
"Riley pass me your phone." Emily took it pressed some buttons and handed it back. I ran up to my room. She deleted James in messages, email, and even contacts! She left me a note. If you speak to James in dance Mom will pull you." I started texting everyone in A except Emily and James. Stuck in room because I'm dating James. Mom and Dads work. They hate his family's guts. Please tell him. Emily deleted my messages with him. can't talk to him during dance ethier tell him that too. Send. The first to respond was Chloe. So sorry. texting James now. -chloe. Then Michelle with the same thing and slowly everyone responded with the same thing.

James's POV

Ding! Ding! Ding! My phone was going viral. 10, 11, 12! 12 texts! I open one. Riley us not allowed to talk to you don't text, Emily deleted you on messages, email, and contacts. -Chloe. Then Michelle texts. Riley got in trouble at home. She is not allowed to talk to you or text you. She sent me this.- Michelle. I got 10 more texts like this. All from A troupe and B troupe!

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