The Next Step Love Story

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Emily's POV

"Wait! Can I hear the results in the hallway?" The nurse looked at me like I was crazy, but nodded her head.
"Ok, the results are yes, she does have amnesia." I didn't want Riley to hear the results because I knew she would freak out if she did.
"How bad?"
"Retrograde amnesia."
"Oh." That's the worse type. It means you can't remember much of your old memories, but you can make new ones. Sometimes you never remember everything fully, sometimes you don't remember anything, and you never do. "Oh." I said again.
"What is it?" I hear Riley's voice say from her room. I walk in.
"Riley, you have retrograde amnesia."
"What's that?"
"It's nothing to worry about." I lied.
"Lets go. You're allowed to go home."
"Ok. Just let me get my stuff." I went to the hall, and dialed the studio number.
"Kate? Hi."
"Hi Emily, what is it?"
"Riley has amnesia."
"Oh no."
"She might not remember all the choreography so don't go too hard on her."
"Thanks for telling me."
"Your welcome bye."
"Bye." I hung up. Riley came out.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah." I say.
"Who were you talking to?"
"Um.. Stephanie."
"Oh.. She's in A troupe right?"
"Yeah." This is going to take a while.

*************At dance***************

Michelle's POV

I walk in to see everyone talking.
"She had to ask if I was in A troupe!"
"What type again?"
"Retrograde amnesia."
"Why did she call me Ethan?"
"She couldn't even remember my last name! I mean its the same as hers!"
"I was David!"
"I'm her best friend! It took her long enough to remember my name!"
"Well she remembers me."
"We know!" Everyone in A troupe shouted at James.
"Where's Riley?" I ask.
"She didn't remember she did dance. She wouldn't come."
"What!" I mean how could she not remember dance! It's her life!
"She may not even get her memory fully restored."
"Did she tell you anything?"
"Yeah, but I think it was a dream."
"So she didn't even remember her birthday?!"
"Nope." I feel bad for Riley. She doesn't remember her life! "She is a hazard to herself! This morning she forgot we had stairs!"
"How did she get down?"
"She fell. She called Mom and Dad strangers and refused to get out of her room last night."
"How did you get her out?"
"She forgot they were home this morning. Mom had to show her a photo album to prove they won't hurt her."
"Does she remember anything?"
"James we get it! She remembers our trip to the beach."
"When did you go?"
"Yesterday! She is forgetting more by the minute! Her memory might never be restored fully."
"What if she forgets dance? What if she forgets how much she loves it?"
"She may never dance again!"
"What do you mean?"
"She didn't take me seriously! She thought I was joking about her taking dance!"
"Do you think she will ever dance again?"
"I don't know. We would have to probably force her too."
"What!" Ding! Chloe's phone went off.

Chloe's POV

"It's from Riley!" I scream.
"Read it out loud!" Emily said.
"Chloe can you come pick me up for dance?"
"She remembers!" Ding! Now Stephanie's phone goes off. She clears her throat.
"Stephanie, she got it right! When does dance start?" Stephanie texted something. Ding! "Tell Chloe to pick me up?"
"I'll be back." I say leaving.

Michelle's POV

Ding! It was Emily's phone.
"Emily," She seemed happy. "Who are you?" She couldn't believe what she was saying.
"Pass it to me." Stephanie says. "Who are you Emily?"
"How could she forget Emily?" Emily looked like she was going to cry.
"How could she forget me?!" She screamed.

Riley's POV

I am waiting for Chloe to take me to dance. Ding dong.
"It's Chloe." She says.
"Come in." She comes in.
"Hi. I have a question."
"Who's Emily?"
"Do you remember anything about her?"
"I remember she was there yesterday and today."
"Is that it?" Chloe seemed kind of worried.

Chloe's POV

The fact that Riley doesn't remember her sister is sad.
"Emily seems really nice. Is she my friend?"
"Yes. You are totally right." Actually she wasn't but I was going to go along with it. I started texting Stephanie.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm texting Stephanie saying we're leaving."
"Oh, ok." To: Stephanie

We are just leaving. Don't tell Emily but Riley thinks they're friends.

Stephanie's POV

I wish I didn't read that out loud!
"Just friends!" Emily was screaming. "JUST FRIENDS!!!!!"
"Yep." I didn't want to answer, but I did. "She said you were nice?"
"I'm her sister! What does she remember of me?!" I texted that to Chloe.
"She remembers you with her today and yesterday."
"Is that it?!!!"
"WHAT!!!!!!" She was really upset.
"I'm sure she'll remember you soon."
"She remembers Chloe and you and Tiffany and James."
"She remembered you were in A troupe?"
"But she doesn't remember I'm her sister!" Then I get a text.
"We're coming in is what Chloe said." Then they walk through the doors.

Riley's POV

Everyone shouts my name. I look into Kate's office. Kate I remember miss. Kate!
"Miss. Kate!"
"What about her, Riley?"
"I remember Miss. Kate!"
"Who remembers me?" Miss. Kate walked in.
"Riley does." Emily said. She didn't look happy.
"That's excellent!"

Kate's POV

Emily was not happy.
"Emily, can I speak to you in my office?"
"Sure." I walk into my office.
"What's wrong?"
"She thinks we're friends."
"Aren't you?"
"Just friends. She doesn't remember me at all, and she doesn't remember I'm her sister."

************After dance*************

Riley's POV

"Lets go to squeezed. Squeezed!" I say.

Michelle's POV

After she remembered she has dance she has been remembering a lot! But she still doesn't remember Emily. Which makes Emily really mad. In a way it's nice though, because for once we aren't in two groups. E-girls and non-E-girls. We're just A troupe. We're at squeezed. Emily is still in the studio. She's a little mad. I don't know how long it's going to take, but she has remembered Eldon and Daniel now. This made Emily even madder. She doesn't remember everything though. She doesn't remember regionals, or Elite, or her age! But we have to try to let her remember things on her own.
"Chloe can you drive me home?" She asked.
"Sure." Chloe answers.

Riley's POV

When we get home Emily's there.

Chloe's POV

I'm about to leave when I hear Riley.
"Emily, you're in my family!" Emily seemed so happy to hear that.
To: Stephanie
Riley remembers Emily is in her family! -Chloe
I sent it.
"Riley I'm your...."
"Your my.. Cousin?" Emily was not happy.
"No I'm your..."
"Sister?" Emily looked as though she had been given a gift she had always wanted. "No, I don't think so." Now Emily was frozen.
"Riley I am your sister!"
"I don't think so." Not good not good!
"Riley, she is your sister. Please remember her."
"I don't see it. Now that I think about it I don't think she's my family."
To: Stephanie
False alarm.- Chloe

Stephanie's POV

"Never mind."
"Riley doesn't remember Emily, she doesn't remember they're family."

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