The Next Step Love Story

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Riley's POV

"Make yourself at home." James's mom says.
"We'll have Emily over any time you like."
"Thanks." She's sweet. I guess it won't be too bad. Yes it will. I miss Emily already. Well we have dance. Oh well. Why did I do this? My world is falling down.

*************At dance***************

Riley's POV

We're showing off flips in the studio.
"Riley, your turn." Stephanie says.
"Ok." I run, flip, and land, slip, hit my head hard, and find everything black.

Emily's POV

We were doing our regionals dance when Riley did her flip, fell, and hit her head. When I looked, she was unconscious. We are now all sitting around her. It's been a while. She's thinking about something.

Riley's POV

"Do you think she'll be alright?" I hear Emily say.
"Riley!!!!!!" I sit up and Emily spins around quickly, slapping me in the nose.
"Ow again."
"Are you ok?"
"I think so, what happened?"
"Um.. We were working on our regionals routine. We were doing our flips when you fell, and hit your head."
"I thought dance hadn't started yet."

Emily's POV

Is Riley ok? I think she has amnesia.

Riley's POV

I feel around. I lost my ring!
"Where's my ring?!" Emily stares at me.
"Riley, you don't have a ring." She said clearly.
"Where's James?"
"Riley, he got pulled from the studio to work on his math, remember? He comes back if he can get a 75% on his next test." Everyone seemed a little worried now. I get up and start walking. "Riley I think you need to sit down." Emily yelled after me. I start running. "Riley, get back here!" I'm around the corner already. "Riley!!!" I'm out. They're running after me. Around the corner. Down the street. I'm sprinting now.

James's POV

I'm sitting a test in hopes of returning to the Next Step, when Riley runs in.
"James!" Then Emily, then Michelle, then all of A troupe.
"Sorry James, I think Riley has a bit of amnesia. She ran all the way here. She's fast." Michelle adds while catching her breath.

Riley's POV

I feel better seeing him. I take a couple breaths. "Where's my ring?"
"What ring?"
"Sorry to interrupt, but you ran all the way here to ask that!" Chloe said. A troupe was out if breath. "It was a 7 mile run. Man we're out of shape." James laughs.
"Excuse me!" It was his teacher. "James, some students are trying to take a test. Can you continue your conversation in the hall?!"
"Yes Ms.Jones." We go to the hall. "Riley what the heck are you doing her?!"
"James, as I mentioned, she has amnesia." Emily stated again.
"I know I know." I just stare. I do not have amnesia.
"I do not have amnesia!"
"Of course you don't sweetie. James so sorry."
"Emily! Look me in the eye and tell me I don't have amnesia!"
"Fine! You don't have amnesia!" She did look me in the eye.
"Thank you!" I am so agitated! I don't have amnesia even if I hit my head. I remember everything now. I am Riley Beaton, no Flanny, whatever. My sister is Emily... Maybe I don't remember everything. "Um... Emily, what's your last name again?"
"Beaton, Riley, Beaton."
"We all know she remembers me."
"Yes James, we know."
"But she remembers me right?"
"Um... You are... Samantha?"
"Stephanie Riley! I'm Stephanie!"
"And I am."
".. Rachelle?"
"Riley name A troupe."
"James, Michelle,.. Chloe... West... Emily, Stephanie, Tiffany.. Ethan?... David?"
"No. James, Michelle, Chloe, West, Me, Stephanie, Tiffany, Eldon, and Daniel. You're not ok. I'm calling an ambulance." In a couple of minutes the ambulance comes. Emily had been asking me questions like what are mom and dads names, or when's my birthday. I got my own birthday wrong! I got in the ambulance and driven to the hospital.

Emily's POV

I am at the hospital with Riley waiting for the results. I am pretty sure she has amnesia.
"Riley, what do you remember happening?" I ask.
"James and I got married." She is not fine. No matter what the doctors may tell me. A nurse comes in.
"The results are......"

The Next Step Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now