The Next Step Love Story

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Emily's POV

I just hate my job as an older sister. Now I have to break Riley's heart. I take a deep breath, and knock on her door. Here goes nothing.

Riley's POV

I stop sobbing and look up.
"Who is it?"
"What do you want?"
"Let me in I have to tell you something."
"Fine." I open the door and sit on my bed.
"Riley, Mom says that.." I can tell she doesn't want to say it. "That.." "That you and James have to break up." I stared then threw my pillow at her.
"GET OUT!" I screamed. I threw my head onto my bed and cried.

*************At dance***************

Riley's POV

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm so sorry James.
"James, can we talk?"
"Sure." We walk to studio B. "What is is Riles?"
"Um... I'm.. I'm.. I'm breaking up with you."
"I.. I'm sorry." I run out crying.

James's POV

As soon as I see Riley run out crying I know Emily made her. She doesn't show up for the rest of dance, but I don't blame her. Poor Riley.

Riley's POV

I'm curled up in a corner in studio B. Crying my heart out. I don't know why I listened to Emily. I should have pretended. Why didn't I think. Now I broke my own heart. I sniffle. Its almost time for dance to end. I get a head start on the way home so I don't get stopped by anyone.

James's POV

"James, what's up? Why are you down?" It was Michelle.
"No reason."
"Why are you down?" She won't give up. "Stop the dance." Does all of A troupe need to know?
"It's just that, Riley broke up with me, no biggy."

Emily's POV

I made a horrible mistake. Riley must be killing herself, literally.
"Emily, where are you going?" I had already grabbed my bag and put on my shoes.
"Um... Ice cream?" I suggest.
"Fine, dance is over." I run out. Where would Riley be? Oh! Laura Secords! She loves that ice cream shop. She spent a lot of time there after her last break up. I run there. No where. I run home. "Riley?" I check her room. "Riley?" I check the basement. "Riley?" I can't find her anywhere. I walk past my room to check the bathroom when I hear sobbing. "Riley?" I look into my room and see her curled up in a corner with her head in her knees. "Riley?" I repeat.
"Yeah?" She pulled her head up from her knees. "What?" She sniffled.
"Riley, come here." I run over to her and put my arm around her. She moves away.
"Now you want to be nice to me?!" I can tell she hates me.
"Riley, I.."
"Don't! Just save it!"
"Riley I didn't mean.."
"I said save it!" We were standing and yelling at each other now. "I'm sorry."
"Riley, it's my fault."
"No. Just.. Just leave me alone." She runs out. Now it's my turn to cry in the corner.

James's POV

I'm not giving up. I knock on the door the next day. Riley answers.
"Riley, I know it was Emily."
"James listen.."
"No. Riley, you listen. I think about you every minute of everyday. I can't stop. If we break up, I'll lose my mind. I can't live without you. Please be mine."

Emily's POV

I'm listening from my window. Please say yes Riley. I can't stand seeing my little sisters heart broken.

Riley's POV

"I'm sorry James.." But right then and there he pulled me into a kiss! I don't mind it though. He's a great kisser, and I guess I do love him.

Emily's POV

I race down the stairs to the front door. It was still open. When I got there they were still kissing.
"Oh my god!" I cried. They pulled apart, and fast too.
"Emily!" Riley had a expression of shock and a little bit of anger on her face.
"Emily, did you see that?" James mumbled. I ran up and hugged Riley.
"Uf. What is that for?"
"Are you happy?"
"Maybe." she mumbled. I hugged her again. This time she hugged back.

Riley's POV

I don't know what's happening. James kisses me Emily hugs me twice. The next thing you know Chloe will win the lottery, and West will fly above us. Then Emily pulls apart and looks at James. Fantasy over. She holds out her hand, and shakes his?
"Cool?" She says.
"Cool." James answers. Now they hug. Where's Stephanie and her flying monkeys? I think about the kiss all day. When I fall asleep my dreams are wonky. Emily giving James permission to date me, Stephanie with her flying monkeys, me marring James. Wait! What was that dream!

***********Riley's dream************

"Riley, I'm home."
"How are the kids?"
" James jr. learned a new word, and Rachelle got an A on her math test."
"Oh. And did I mention, Haley got into A troupe. It's too bad we can't go visit her. But our parents can't know we got married. This is her fifth time."
"Excellent." He kissed my cheek.

*******End of Riley's dream*********

"Wow!" My dream had woken me up.

********The next day at dance*******

Riley's POV

I do my best to stay away from James, until I remember we have a duet together.
"So Riley, what do you want to start with?"
"In our duet."
"Oh... I don't know."
"Whatever it's time to go anyway." I rushed out.

Emily's POV

"Yo Emily!" I look up to see James coming towards me. I sigh.
"Yes James?"
"What's up with Riley?"
"She seemed to not waste time on leaving today. It's not like her to want to leave."
"Hum... I don't know. I'll check at home."
"Thanks." When I get home I go straight to Riley's room. She was sitting on her bed texting.
"Huh..." She looked up from her phone.
"You alright?"
"Ok, anything between you and James?"
"So you wouldn't mind if I invited him round for dinner?" I said that because Mom and Dad are away for business so we have the house to ourselves for a week. She jumped up and knocked her lamp over.
"Oh!.." She quickly reacted and caught it.
"Would that be ok?"
"Are you sure? You don't sound sure."
"I'm positive."

Riley's POV

No I am not sure. The last thing I need is me and James alone. Wait! "Emily!"
"Can you invite Eldon? You know, so we can have like a double date?"
"Sure." Now I can make excuses by asking Eldon questions, we may be in the same dance troupe, but I know nothing about him. A couple minutes later Emily comes back in.
"Change of plans we're going out."
"Ok." I say. The more people the better.

The Next Step Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now