The Next Step Love Story

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Riley's POV

I am just waiting. The wedding has started. Stephanie, Tiffany, and Chloe are walking down the aisle. Emily goes. I'm next. Everyone stands. The wedding march comes on. Here I go. I walk down the aisle, staring at James. I get to the end. I listen as best as I can to the priest.
"I do." James says. I'm about to when my parents run in.
"Riley! James! Stop!" I am mad to see them. James's mom runs in.
"Stop... Don't... Do..... Anything...." She says between breaths.
"Mom. It's almost done. Riley just needs to say I do." I feel like the weight if the world is on my shoulders.
"Um..." Should I? My parents would kill me. If I don't James would. I take a breath. "I do." My parents are outraged.
"Riley Beaton!"
"Actually Mom it's Riley Flanny now." No one believed that Emily actually said that!
"I beg your pardon?!"
"They are married. His last name is Flanny. She's Riley Flanny now." My mother looked like she had been thrown in a truck and pushed down a hill. Her face was full of outrage, but she couldn't say anything.
"It's the truth." I think Emily enjoyed this. My mother stomped out if the room.
"Where will you live?" My dad started to kick in.
"At my house." We all looked to find that James's mom said that. Now even Emily was surprised. My dad stomped out. I try to wake up but I can't. Wait! I just actually got married! I'm insane! But I'm laughing.

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