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14 years ago
I was at my normal sleep over with Iris until her dad had to leave for something. We were watching tv because we were bored up in her room. " what do you think your dad is doing?" I asked. "Probably stopping another robbery" Iris said. And with that, I fell asleep. I woke up with a door slam. I snuck downstairs and found a tired Joe and an angry Barry. I had a crush on Barry for so long but I can't say anything because I know that he likes Iris. I just might as well go back to sleep then...

I look into my closet to see absolutely nothing. "I can't go to work at Jitters naked!!" I screamed. I searched to the end to find a decent shirt and some jeans. I also find heels/boots like look easy to walk in. Annnd I'm off.
"Iris your gonna get fat if you eat 2 cronuts!" I told her, serving table 2. "I'm stress eating!" Iris told me. "You do you honey" I said. She just gave me the look like I'm gonna get slapped. "I'm gonna stop by Barry's, wanna join?" Iris asked me. I said no because it's lunch time and I wanna use it for food. I finish my shift to go visit Barry but I guess he went to the science thingy. I'll just wait until it ends.
Apparently they went back early so Barry came back to the lab. "It's raining really hard out there" I said. He flinched at the sudden surprise and looked at me with a tissue in he's nose. "what happened?" I asked. He didn't answer and instead looked at the news saying about rain and other stuff I didn't listen to. I was the only one that believed all of the moms murder and all that. I believe that's Henry didn't kill Nora. That's what made us best friends. After my mom died, which I knew it was my dad because I was there, we were best friends. My story was a little different. My dad didn't love my mom. He killed her when he was a drunken mess. I was there eating my cereal upstairs when I heard a death screech. I went downstairs to see a bloody mom and a crazed dad. I ran upstairs locked my door and opened my window and screamed" HELP! MY DAD KILLED MY MOM! HELP ME!" And sooner or later my dad was arrested. Age 10: adopted by Joe West. Back to the reality world. Barry rolled up the map to show all the evidence of Nora Allen's murder. I studied him as the depressing look appeared on his face. Until I heard on the new "malfunction".We ran to the TV. The TV shut off and we saw a blinding light of explosion. I ran to the other side of the lab to grab my phone, shaking while doing so. He pulled a chain and chemicals started to rise. The windows were about to break. I tried to push him out but I was too late and ended up next to him. The last thing I remembered was getting pushed back
I'm hearing... Poker Face? I'm so confused. I could barely see but I can see a 2 blurry globs. I woke up slowly and before I say anything, Barry sprints up and says where am I? I see a long, dark hairs man, and a rather nice, calm looking woman.
Before I knew it, we're being blinded and getting told to pee in cups. "Where are we " Barry asked them. "You're in star labs" said the long haired boy. "Who are you" I asked. "Well I'm Cisco Ramon and she's Caitlyn, Dr.Snow." Barry starts to walk around."What happened?" He asked. I start to get up and walk to where Barry was."Lightning gave me abs?" He said, full of shock. I lightly chuckled at his reaction because he's adorable- STOP HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU HUN. I'm so mean on myself. I noticed that we need to see Iris. Cisco say Barry down and said that he was in a coma. "How long?" I asked. "9 months" I heard. "Then a man in a high technology wheelchair came up and said" Mr. Allen and Ms.L/N, we have a lot to discuss"

This is the longest I wrote lol part 2 is coming up because yea

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