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Barry POV ohh what a surprise
"Is this a date?" Y/N asks. Uhhhh. I'm stuck. See my problem is I like Iris and Y/N. I love Iris. And Y/N. Everyone tells me to go for Y/N because she's nice, funny, beautiful and single. But I can't just forget my longest crush. It's obvious that she doesn't like me. But if she did, would she ask if it was a date. What was I thinking, asking her out. She looks interested in me. "BARTHOLOMEW" I hear Y/N scream. "Don't say my full name in public, it's embarrassing." I whispered to her. " you didn't answer me." She said. I couldn't lie to her anymore and act like I only love Iris. " Y/N I'm in love with you, of course it was a date." I said. She was speechless. You think I'm joking. She had a blank face. " AMEN!!! THANK YOU! I THOUGHT YOU'LL NEVER SAY THAT! Oh my God I'm so happy" she said with a sparkling smile." I'm in love with you too." She said. " Let's get out of here." I said. The next minute we were walking in the streets of Central City, hand in hand. I still had thoughts and feelings for Iris, and hoped that Y/N will never know until I no longer had feelings for her. Every time she looks at me she blushes, which is still confusing because if she liked me for the longest time and I've never seen her like this. We made it back to her apartment. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and all of a sudden it was a heated make out session. She swung her bedroom door open until I got a call. I quickly answered it. " I have to go." I said. "Great, wonderful turn off. Go speedy " Y/N said.
this is short because I'm lazy see you in a few hours lol

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