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  Barry hasn't been the same after the 'singularity thing. I can't blame him. He's been ignoring us ever since though. Every night we sleep in the same bed but I feel like we're growing farther apart. I fix my hair, getting ready for work. I started working at CCPN because I enjoy writing. Me and Iris work together sometimes on papers. Tomorrow is Flash Day and we can't convince Barry to go. I mean it's all about him and if he doesn't come, then the city will be disappointed. Everyone tried to change his mind except for me. I just know that he'll say no. People think I can change his mid because we're dating. Does it count as dating if he hasn't said anything but our grocery list to me?

He keeps on saying that being alone is what's keeping me safe. But being hurt on the inside hurts way more on the outside. Because on the outside you can heal eventually or if you die, it wasn't your fault. But being hurt on the inside, it feels like it your fault that Barry is ignoring you. And he's not telling you anything to change that. He not showing you that he loves anymore. I heard that there was a murder. Apparently he was strangled to death my something very big and very strong.

I went to Jitters at night to see all the destruction for an article to see Barry trying to fix it. I froze for a second to see him smiling at Iris. It hurt to see him smiling at Iris when he hasn't smiled at me for months. I thought that he got over Iris after we started dating. If he wants to date Iris so bad, he might as well just break up with me to go with her. I don't get it how he could be so happy to see her and be to bored to see me. Should I break up with him? It'll only do him good because then he'll have an excuse to go with Iris. I don't hate Iris, at all. She's one of my best friends and basically my sister. I hate Barry's feelings for Iris. And I've been waiting almost a year for his feelings to fade.

Barry arrived home late. He was probably up all night trying to fix Jitters. I decided that tonight I would talk to him about all this. Since I didn't feel like ordering 70 hamburgers, I decided to make dinner. He walked into the kitchen and my eyes stated to tear up. I hated crying in front of Barry because he'd always care for me. But know he'd probably won't even care anymore. "Are you going to Flash Day?" I asked. We haven't had an actual conversation in 6 months. "I haven't decided yet" he answered. We stayed in silence for a minute. "What does the key to Central City even do?" I thought out loud. I heard him chuckle and I turned around to see him laughing. I smiled brightly. " That's an amazing question Y/N. I don't know" We talked for a bit and decided to go to bed. I think I heard him whisper "I love you" and I slept amazing.

I woke up to still see Barry sleeping. He's eyes were fluttering open. He opens his eyes and smiled. "Good morning!" He said with a raspy voice. I smiled and greeted him back. I tried to get up but he pulled my arm, causing me to fall back on the bed. I started laughing. "Today's Flash Day" I sang. "Don't remind me" he said with an annoyed tone. I ignored him and went to get dressed.

i was writing this on my ipad so many errors. part 2 of s2e1 is coming soon

run home to me  a flash/Barry Allen X readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя