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i'm leaving off in the last episode of season one, when eddie dies. :)

I had to accept the fact that Barry is going to go back in time to save his mom. That means that he'll never grow up with me and Iris. That he'll never meet Cisco and Caitlyn. He said his goodbye and he stopped at me. I started to burst out crying. I can't stand living the fact that i'll never have a future with him. That i'll never get to marry the man of my dreams. That we'll never grow old with kids and grandkids.

"Baby, please stop crying" He gently touched my cheek. I hugged him as tightly as I can, hoping that he won't leave.

Barry POV
I almost gave up everything i ever wished for, just so i can stay with Y/N. She means the absolute world for me. i can't just leave her, to live another life without her. But i have to do this. I've been wanted this more than anything. Not as much as a love her though.

I kissed him one last time. That kiss wasn't like any other kiss. It was rushed, or normal, or lustful. (um?) It was full of love. It was full of security and hope that he'll come back for me. I whispered "Run home to me baby" He waves one last time and runs off. Eobard Thawn was getting ready to leave. But something goes wrong. Soon, Barry comes back to break the time machine. We were all confused of why he did this. And then Eddie shot himself. We all raced to his side. Barry was watching Eobard Thawn disappear out of existence. Iris was crying, I was crying too, because we were good friends. The singularity started to form. Iris wanted to bring Eddie but we didn't have time. I felt extremely bad for her. She didn't even get to bury him. If that ever happened to Barry, I've would've never been the same.

The only way we could stop the singularity is in the middle. So Barry decided that going in was the best idea. "Barry, no!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. "I almost lost you once, it's not gonna happen again" "I have to baby, This could save the planet, this could save you. I'd rather die then let everyone die." I tried grabbing his suit, begging him to not go. He raced to the singularity. Ronny also went, told not to by Caitlyn. They stopped it, saving Central City. Ronny didn't come back, but Barry did.

Nobody was okay

I DID IT GUYS. That's the end of the book, if you want we to continue to season two, which there's a story for that already but i'll just make one here. have a great day everyone!

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