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   I was walking back home with Barry until our meta attacks. "Hey Flash!" She said. Which was weird because he didn't have his suit on. "How do you know who I am?" Barry asks. " I've been studying you for a long time" She answers. Well, that's fun. She took me by the neck and disappeared into vapor. The next thing I know, everything turns black.

   Barry POV (what a surprise)

I look all over the city and I can't find her. I searched the surface of the sea. I can't bear to lose her. " Barry, let's take 5" said Cisco, sighing over the mic. I rushed back and sat down. "Barr, we looked everywhere, we can't find her," said Caitlyn, with a sad expression. I cupped my face with hands. She has to be somewhere. What if she's dead already? She means everything to me. Her e/c eyes are the size of the moon. Her h/l (hair length) h/c in the wind on an autumn evening. The way her face lit up when I asked her to be my girlfriend. She's my sun. "Dude, you awake?" Cisco asks, nudging my shoulder a bit. "Yeah, just scared"

  Your POV
I've never been more scared in my life. Will my boyfriend save me in time? She took me to this place. I was longing for one of Barry's "You're safe with me" kisses. I sure don't feel safe here. The walls are sea green but look run down. Like an underwater museum. I'm trying to use my sense to find out where I am. I think we're at the run-down aquaruim. There was a room that was designed like Atlantis. Now, to tell Barry that I'm in here. I immediately saw a phone on a counter. I moved the chair a little bit to reach it. Luckily this was a charming iPhone. I asked Siri to call S. T. A. R. Labs and it worked. Cisco answers. " This is Y/N help! I'm in the aquarium! By the Atlantis exhibit!" Before I could finish, the villain slapped me hard enough to leave a bruise. Before she could do anything, Barry knocked her into the ground. " Don't ever touch my baby ever again! " he growled. He ran to me and untied me. He kissed my cheek and hugged me. Then we went home to cuddle. He kissed me and whispered, "You're safe with me"


run home to me  a flash/Barry Allen X readerWhere stories live. Discover now