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we are skipping a couple episodes so now

Barry POV
"Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash"
the next day.
I woke up, arms wrapped around Y/N. I can hear her peacefully snore. I checked the time and it's 10:25. That's means that I have 5 minutes to get ready and to get coffee. I rush out the door, almost forgetting something. I forgot Y/N! I run to her and woke her up. "Nooo, babe I don't wanna wake up! Wake me up in the next hour." She whined. I had no choice but to change her myself. I rushed her out the door and took her to Central City.

I don't know how i ended in here. With Barry, Caitlyn, and Cisco. This weird thing that telling me that I'm gonna write something important and in the future, I'm gonna marry Barry. I can't believe it. We both stare at each other before they continued to ask questions.  Dr. Wells was coming closer by the second. We didn't have much time left. "Barry! Let's go!" I scream, pulling his arm. He flinched, still in shock. He asked one more question and we left as soon as possible. Nothing will ever be the same. He's been watching us ever since that night. Staking is while we sleep. Really good content for a news paper!  

run home to me  a flash/Barry Allen X readerWhere stories live. Discover now