Ch. 2

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Bvbs POV------
We were all just sitting on our bus when Andy came out an said "Its getting boaring and lonely. We should go adopt someone." We all agreed and went to the closest orphanage. We walked in and went into the room where all the kids were. We called a little early and told the woman on the phone what age range we wanted to look at. Once we got into the room we all spotted what we think was a girl with a bvb shirt on and blue and black tights and some blue jean shorts, with black studded combat boots. We all look at each other and nodded knowing that were adopting that one. We also soon found out that they were 11. I don't want to call them a boy or a girl cuz I don't know yet.

Kyles POV------
I try my best not to fan boy my heart out while looking at them. I watch them scan me and look at each other and nod. They go over to Miss. She, who is sitting in a chair in the corner. They whisper something in her ear and then smirk at me. I quickly look down at my feet again and smile to my self. Miss. She then says "Everyone but Kylee report to the lunch room." As soon as she says my fucking birth name that I hate I walk over to her pissed off. I get really close to her face like I'm inches away from her face an I look at her with hatered and scream in a very deep voice "MY NAME IS FUCKING KYLE AND I SWEAR TO FUCKING STATEN IF  YOU EVER CALL ME THAT NAME AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENT!!" the guys pull me away and I calm down. Miss. She hands them the papers shacking and runs to the lunch room. I get out of the arms that have me an look down at the floor with my hair covering my face. This is not how I wanted them to meet me!!! I'm surprised I didnt stutter once.

CC comes over to me and crouches down to my level and smiles at me. "Hey, why don't you tell us what all of that was about." He says in a very calm voice. "W-well when I was a k-kid m-my m-m-mom would alw-ays calk me t-that...b-before she d-d-died..." I say and a tear escapes my eye. CC notices and wipe it away and then stands up and pulls me into a hug. I kinda hug back but since I'm very shy its hard. I've never even had a hug before. He looks down at me and smiles, and I half smile back. I notice everyone is very much taller than me. I mean I'm only 4'7...but still. Andy comes over to me after he's done signing papers and says "Okay, Kyle. Let's go pack your stuff up and then we'll all leave." I nod and go in front of him keeping my head down and walking to my door. I take the key out of my back pocket and knowing me and  my shakeiness I dropped the key and Andy picked it up before I could and he unlocked my door and pushed it open. I walked in and got my only suitcase out from under my bed. I took all my drawings off the wall and put them in my binder. I put that in my bag and went to get my bathroom stuff. I put my other extitions into a grocery bag along with my makeup, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, my cutting razors, my shaving razors, and then lastly the stuff for my uhhh...peiord... I tied the bag up and went out into the main part of my room and saw Andy putting my five outfits into the suitcase. I put the bag in there and then put my under garniments in there while he wasn't looking.

I quickly grab my phone and headphones off of my night stand and zip my suit case up after Andy puts my last pair of shoes in there. He takes it before I can and walks down stairs. I walk with him. All the guys are waiting for us when we get down there. They all walk out and I do the same. When we walk out the door I see a big bus with Black Veil Brides written on the side of it. I guess their on tour. That means I get to be on tour. Cool!

Jake opened the door to the bus for me and said "Ladies first." I glared at him and he looked at me questioning. I just walked onto the bus mad as fuck and sat on the couch with my suitcase. I guess I had zoned out because the next thing I knew, Andy was  snapping in my face saying "Kyle...? Kyle?" I came back to reality "w-what, huh?" I asked. He chucked and then asked "Do you wanna see your bunk?" I nodded my head and he lead me to the back of the bus where the bunks were. The bunk order was like this.

Andy ---- Jake
Jinxx ---- Ashley
Me ---- CC

After Andy left so I could put my stuff away I put everything in the little drawer attached to the inside of my bunk. I got in my bunk and pulled out my phone and put on my BVB playlist and laid in my bunk just starring out the little window. It was night by now and the street lights blurred because of how fast we were going. I Lord the sight so I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I'm kinda into photography. When I was looking over my photo someone knocked on my bunk. I opened my door to see Jake. I roll my eyes and start to shut the curtain but he gets ahold on it and opens it back up. I groan and he gets in shutting the curtain. I don't make eye contact with him when he talks to me. "Okay, will you please tell me why I did wrong at the door that caused you to glare at me?" He asked. "I-its not important." I say still starring at the wall. "Yes, it is. Your a part of out family now." I looked up at him and he just nodded. I sighed and looked down again. "Well...i-im gender f-fluid and I dont like to be called a girl. A boy or b-brother is fine but I'm not completely a boy. I just like being called a b-boy." I say with a tear escaping. I don't know why though. Jinxx noticed and wiped it away and pulled me into a hug. I think I'm starting to warm up to him. Like I'm not so shy around him any more. I cuddled up to him. He stroked my head as I feel asleep. I actually am starting to feel not as shy. And I dont stutter as much around him.

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now