Ch. 4

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👆 Just a random photo of My cat 👆

Kyle's POV-----

I get up from the couch and go put my blankets up. I brush my hair out and go back to the living room thing to get my phone. Only to see all the guy's surrounding Ash which has my phone I'm his hands trying to figure out my password. I quickly run over ans yank my phone out of his hands and fall to the floor whispering loudly "my phone. You t-touched my phone. NEVER.AGAIN!!" I raise my voice on that last part. They all laughed and then got up. So did I because they said it was time to get to the stage.

We all walked out of the bus and headed to the stage. I stayed close to Jinxx the whole time there. When we got there it was already 5:50 so they went ahead and started practicing. I sighed and a tear ran down my face for some reason I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve and sat in a chair near the vanities. The manger shouted that it was time for them to go on and they ran on to the stage. As soon ad they got out there a bunch of people cheered and clapped. Then I heard Andy say into the microphone "Hey everyone I have an announcement to make!" After everyone quieted down I walked over to the side of the stage and watched them all look at me and motioned for me to come over. I hesitated but finally walked over feeling EVERYONE'S eyes on me!!! I kept my head down and wemt to Andy who then pulled me into a hug and then said "Everyone. This is our little sister/brother Kyle. Say hi everyone." After everyone said hi I spotted this really tall guy in the crowd with blond hair and wearing a black benie who I soon recognised as Kyle David Hall, checking me out. I blushed and ran back to the chair I was sitting in earlier and thought about Kyle.

The guys came running off stage all sweaty and stuff...yuck! They came over to me and tried to hug me but I said "Ewww you guys!! We can do this after you take a s-shower!",and laugh. So do they. After we finish up there they say that they have a M&G to do so I could either go with them or explore. So I picked explore. I walk stand around the place that all the fans come out of the show we just did. I act casual on my phone with my back turned to the people. I'm actually waiting on Kyle but he doesn't know that. Soon I get a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see that it's Kyle!!!!! "Hey, Kyle!" He says laughing. "H-Hey other Kyle!" I say and giggle. He laughs. "So your bvbs little sister." He says smiling. "I-in the fle-she." I say laughing a bit. He smirks and the grabs me throwing me over his shoulder. I giggle and try to get out of his grip but it doesn't work so I just give up.

Soon we arrive at the YouTube's tent and he sets me down. I giggle abd then look around to see all if MDE (I know that their not together any more But still. Just go with it.) I start jumping up and down like the fan boy I am and they all laughed. I soon stopped and every one said hi. I said it back and then a ton of fan girls swooped in and me and Kyle ran for our lives. We finally arrived at a beach after 5 long minutes of running and sat down in the sand, trying to catch our breath.

The sun was setting and no one was on the beach. It was very romantic. "Hey are you okay?" Kyle asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine I was just t-thinking..." I say and he moves a little bit closer to me and looks at me. I avoid eye contact so he uses two fingers and puts them under my chin and guides my face to look at his. I almost melt because when someone does that it's like the best thing ever for me. Like how every one else loves neck kisses...I love this. (THIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE) "About what?" He asks, still facing me. "About how-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I picked it up and and said "Hello?" Jinxxs voice came through the phone and said "Hey there's a party with all the band's at warped and your invited. So come back to the bus and we'll head over." He said. I hung up and asked Kyle if he was going and he said yes.

We walked to my bus together and then he hugged me and left to his bus to get ready for the party. I watched him walk off until he was out of sight and then I sighed and walked in to see people on the couch, getting ready, and doing makeup. I just walk past them all and go to my bunk abd turn on the light. I get in and start touching up my make up. "Kyle, are you ready? Its time to go." Andy says/asks. "Y-yeah coming!" I reply and walk out if the bus with them and we end up at this weird but dope abandoned white house that has a ton of stuff sprayed on it.

I smile and see a ton of cars in the drive way when we're walking over to the house. I look around and when I turn around the guys were already walking in the house. I freak out and run over to the door real quick and walk in. As soon as I walked in there was a bunch of all my favorite bands and STRIPPERS?!?!! My eyes widen when I see all the strippers. I then see a DG put a different teach on and it's some kinda hip-hop shit. I look over at the guys and see strippers all over them. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and wipe it away. I love how they just left me an 11 year old alone in a place that smells like weed,alcohol, and sex. I mean it kinda makes me happy they trust me but still. I'm pulled out of ny thoughts by someone shouting my name. I look over and see Kyle waving me towards him and the rest of MDE. I walked over shoving off any strippers that tried to get on me, and stood behind Kyle shyly. He chucked and hugged me. I hugged him back and then he let go. I turned around to see Alex in front of me and staring at my hair. "Your hair color is fading...we need to dye it again. You in?" She asked looking from my hair to my eyes. "S-sure. When?" I asked her. "Would tomorrow work?" She asked me and I smiled "Perfect!" I said knowing I would have nothing to do tomorrow. "Okay I'll meet you at your bus at 3:00pm and I'll bring a bunch of hair dye!" She said excitedly. I laughed a little and then we said good bye because all of MDE were leaving except Kyle.

I watched them leave and then turned to Kyle who was looking down at me smiling. I smiled back and we went to a place where we could sit down at. After a few minutes he turned to me and asked "So, what were you gonna say about the beach?" As soon as he asked that my face turned red. I looked around trying to find something to distract him from the question he just asked. "Y-you know t-there are a l-lot of s-strippers h-here, w-why arnt y-you trying to g-get laid l-like everyone e-else?" I ask sounding like a total freak with my stuttering. "Hey, I asked you first." He said and I sighed. "I w-was thinking a-about how i-it would b-be nice i-if y-you liked...." I stoped because what if he doesn't like me the same way I like him. "About how nice it would be if I liked...who?" He asked me. I tried to look away but he did the same thing he did at the beach witch made me look at him. "M-m-me...." I stuttered out, barely over a whisper. "Kyle, I do. I just didn't know if you felt the same and the only reason I wasn't trying to get laid like everyone else is because I want to know if you'll be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" He said/asked me I felt a tear run down my cheek as I nodded. He smiled really big and then brought me into a hug. I hugged him back and we stayed like that until I realised bvb wasn't here anymore.

###&&&Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you liked it please vote,comment, and share with your friends. Okay bye my scary lil turtles!!

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now