Ch. 11

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Kylees POV.
I heard yelling as I saw Mathew being pulled from the water by a very mad looking Andy. This is what I'm hearing. "YPU FUCKING DICK!! YOU COULD'VE KILLERD HER!!!" I heard Andy yell at Mathew. I started to swim over with all my might the guys just now noticed what was going on. "BRO CHILL! WE DO THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME!!" Mathew yells back in defence. I am now out of the water and running towards them. I see Andy start to go after Mathew and I arrive just in time as I scream "STOP!!!" The guys are taking Andy to the spot that we set up as I look back at his face its softened. I start crying and the Mathew pulls me in for a hug. I run to the girls bathroom and just sob.

I should've known that Mathew wouldn't do anything not to comfort me. Next thing I know Mathew is in the bathroom with me and I'm crying into his shirt as he holds me close. I just keep sobbing until he starts to sing to me. Its the song he used to sing to me when ever I would get sad at the orphanage. Part of it doesn't even rhyme but it still makes me happy.

Don't you cry. Don't you cry. I saw that tear escape your eye. I'm hear. I'm always here. You have nothing else to fear. Were never fading apart. You never leave my thoughts. Just know I'm here.Just know I'm never leaving. Your my best friend. To the very end.

He drags out the 'n' in end and I start to laugh at the song that always cheers me up. I keep hugging him until he pulls away and kisses my for head. "I love you, Kylee." He says and wisps away my tears. "I love you too, Mathew." No it's not like that. We've always said that because we really do love each other. But we're not dating. I mean I still like him and all but I still don't want to ruin our friendship. Plus Kyle...oh gawd. I start crying again and he lifts my head up making me look in his yes which also calm me down.

"Hey, what's wrong now?" He asked in a soothing voice. His deep voice runs through my ears like a song and then I say "I was just thinking of my boyfriend...were..were..its complicated." I looked down he lifted my chin up with his fingers. "I have experience with complications." He says smiling. "Well, you know how I told you I was into ddlg, yeah well his name is Kyle and he's my daddy and I'm his little but it's always like there's something wrong with him. Idk how to explain it but the other day I was wearing a ddlg outfit and I was in a diaper!! on his tour bus because if you couldn't already tell these bruises. Andy beat me up when he was drunk because of some slut."

His jaw clenched and then I grabbed his hands to calm him down a bit as I continued with my story. "I had yo go to the hospital and when I got out he took me to his bus and we were just doing our little thing because I was in little space. I was sitting on the couch and then the rest of his channel cane in be sure he's part of MDE I didn't know they were going to be there but they saw me and I didn't want anybody to know what I was into.

They all stared at me which made it worse but the worse thing was that Hayden looked me up and down with this weird smirk and then he got a boner. I felt like I was gonna puke so I ran to the bathroom and did so. Kyle held my hair back as he asked me what was wrong, I didn't want to tell him but it came out and then he started to beat up Hayden and I was crying and the Jordan came back and he wasn't bothered by what I was wearing. He didn't even look at anything other than my face and he took me back to the bvb bus. So yeah..."

I say and feel a tear escape my eye and he kisses it away. Just as he's about to say something Ashley bursts into the bathroom looking scared and says "Andy's calm but we have another problem. Kyle's here." My eyes widened and then I look to Mathew. Ashley leaves and me and Mathew stand up. "Don't worry," he starts and I lock up to him. "I won't let him hurt you." He says. I smile but then say "If he sees you come out of the girls bathroom with me. Idk what he'll do. Just sneak over to the boys bathroom behind me when I walk out and then come out."

He nodded and I walk out of the bathroom and he slips into the boys bathroom. Then he comes out and stands beside me being all protective. I walk over closer to Kyle to see him yelling at Jinxx who is saying for him to stay away from me. His eyes soon go to me and then to Mathew. Anger flashes in his eyes but I see him choke it down. "BABYGIRL!!" He yells. I can tell he's happy and he's not mad like he always is. It makes me happy. "D-Daddy.." I say hesitantly. He nodded and then I run over away from Mathew to my daddy and jump in his arms.

He's so warm and he doesn't even care that my body's wet from the water. He just hold me close. It feels so good to be in his arms. He then sets me down and asks me who the guy was, which he's referring to Mathew. "Oh, daddy," I start as I go over and grab Mathews hand and drags him over to Kyle. "This is my best friend, Mathew. He's gonna stay with the guys and I." Mathew nodes at Kyle as a way to say 'hello' and then Kyle does the same but I could see the look of anger in both of their eyes.

This could end up ending very badly.

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now