Ch. 5

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Sorry guys I'm just adding random photos to the top.

Kyle's POV------(MDE)
Once Kyle said that she/he would date me I hugged him/her. "Kyle, do you know where bvb is?" He/she asked me. "There probably at the bus fucking their sluts, you can rid on my bus if you want." I said to him/her and he/she nodded. "By the way, do you want me to address you as a boy or a girl?" I asked and then she/he said "I'll tell you witch on each day because I'm gender fluid but today I want to be addresed as a guy." He said and I nodded. "We should get back to the bus before they leave with out us." I laughed and so did he.

We were walking to the MDE bus when we came to the bvb one and Kyle said that he wanted to get his Pjs really quick. I nodded and let go of his hand while he went in to get his pjs. He came out soon with a tiny little bag. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him and walked to the MDE bus.

Kyle's POV------(ME)
Once me and Kyle had reached the MDE bus he took me inside and I was immediately tackled by Alex. "Come on since your already here Let's just go age ad and dye your hair!" She said dragging me into the bathroom away from Kyle, before I could even say no. I mean I wasn't going to say no anyway, but still.

After a while Kyle came in and Alex had just gotten all the hair dye She had and put it on the sink counter. She had pastel colors, and dark colors. All from Manic Panic, and Artic Fox. She looked at my hair for a while. She then put all the dark colors away and then put the pastel colors in front of me and then asked "Witch ones?" I looked hard at all the colors. There was p purple, p pink, p blue, p green, p silver, p red, and p yellow. I pointed to each one I wanted, witch were: p red, p purple, p blue, and p green.

Time skip to after it was dyed.

Alex dyed my hair just the way I wanted it. It was p red and p purple on one side and then p blue and p green on the other side. I walked through the living room and to the kitchen to where everyone was at, because Bryan was cooking. I sat down beside Kyle not saying anything at all. He wrapped his arm around me and I smiled. "Bryan is making hamburgers. What do you want on yours?" He asked me as the others talked quietly. "Oh, i-I'm n-not hungry er..t-thanks anyway t-tho." I fake smiled at him. He looked at me for a while studying my expression and soon surged it off.

By now everyone had gotten their plates and had started to eat. I hadn't eating in weeks and I have tried ny best to avoid even looking at food so I just went into the living room and sat on the couch feeling dizzy. I shook my head a little, trying to get rid off the dizziness and it soon went away. I took out my phone abd went on Twitter to see I had a ton of New followers and comment and shit like that. I followed some people back and saw one comment that caught my eye. I was just about to click on it when Andy started calling me. "H-hello?" I ask and heard moans. "What t-the Fuck A-Andy!" I screamed through the phone before he could say anything. I was missed he would call me during sex. Like have some decency man! I heard him get up and go some where that the moans couldn't be heard. "Kyle, have you been on Twitter yet?" "I just got on and was about to look at ny comment when you called me IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING SEX!!! Why?" I ask while everyone was walking in because if all the screaming. "Don't look at the comments!" He said before he hung up. I looked at my phone and then rolled my eyes going back on Twitter to see what he ment by' don't look at the comments!'

I felt tears prick my eyes and the moment I felt them start to fall on my face I ran past all the members of MDE and sprinted off the bus to Satan knows where, with Kyle yelling my name in the distance. I had been gone for a while and I had stopped crying and arrived in a junky neighbourhood. I saw a few guys walking my way abd I could already smell the alcohol on their breath from all the way over here! I knew that I was in trouble so I steeped back a little observing my surroundings and thinking and trying to figure out what I could do where I could go. I thought of all the scenarios in my head from how their walking over to me now to what they would do when they caught me. I think it's called profiling, Idk exactly.

I was walking down the ally I had come through when I ran off the bus. I'd say that the busses are probably only a few blocks away. I sighed in relief because I hadn't seen the men in a while and I THOUGHT they were gone. Ha, boy was I wrong. I was halfway through the ally when I heard yelling at me, behind me I turn to see only two out of the four men behind me trying to catch up to me. I start to walk faster my eyes still on them and as soon as I turn around I see the other two men in front of me. I stop and see if I can profile my way out of this. The men had reached me by now and were starting to mess with me. I know if I don't find a way to get around them then I'm probably gonna get raped and beat. I see a bar hanging above me and I say to the men "Nice meeting you but I'll be going now." I wait for it to sink in but one of them says "You can't go anywhere we have you cornered." I snicker a little and raise my eyebrow at him and as soon as one Grubbs for me I douge it and launch myself up and graphics onto the bar and spin myself around on it so now my feet are where my hands were and I'm in a crouching position. I tilt my head at the men as if to say' good day's and then I go wall to the other wall and sprint back to the bus. I could hear them running behind me so I just pushed myself to go faster. As soon as I got to the bus I jerked the door open and then slammed it shut behind me and locked it. Everyone had ran to where the door was with frightened looks on their faces until they saw me, then it changed to confusion and sadness. I couldn't help myself so I just broke down crying. Kyle came over to me and picked me up and carried me to the bunk we were sharing with was his. He Sat me down in it and then climbed in himself. I was still crying so he just hugged me and held me there until I was done. After I had raised up he wiped my drying tears away and then asked "What's wrong, baby?" I blushed a little bit at the 'baby' thing but then replied with "F-For men were c-chasing me with the i-intention to r-r-rape me and the r-reason I ran off t-the bus is because there w-was a hate page about me o-on Twitter and m-mean comments." He sighed and then brought me into a hug and coped in my ear "Some people are just like that. They are just assholes. And men like that don't have any life and can't get a girlfriend so they feel like they have to rape other people because their just low life basterds. But your here now and I'll protect you for as long as you'll let me. Kyle, I know we only got together today but I still feel a VERY strong connection to you....*sigh*I think I l-love you." I smiled to myself and then whispered back "I-I love you t-too." I could almost hear him smile. We feel asleep with me cuddled into his torso and him with his arms around me.

A/N hey guys wassup. Okay so I really hope your enjoying this story so far. I'm having a fun time writing it. Sorry if some of is is messed up. I think this is the longest chapter that I have ever written lol. Well, I'm going to start on the new chapter. Bye.

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now