Ch. 6

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When I do my make up in the story it looks like that👆

I peeked into Kyle's bunk and saw him with Kyle. They are the cutest couple evah! I took a picture of them together and posted it to Twitter and Instagram tagging them both so they would see it when they got up. I turned the tv on when Johnnie came in and sat with me. I smiled at him and then rested my head on his shoulder.

1 hour later&#&&;!

Kyle's POV-{ME}
I got up feeling like a girl. I'll be sure to tell Kyle that. I shook him gently to wake him up and he wouldn't budge. I rolled ny eyes and then kissed his lips still nothing. I flipped him so he was on his back. I smirked to myself a little and then got over top of him and sat my lower area on his and started to rub. I felt him get a boner and then he shot awake. I laughed when I saw his face. He looked down at our connection and then blushed and I got off blushing as well. I told him I was going to the bathroom but he wouldn't let me go. "K-kyleeeeeeeeeeee please let m-me go!!" I say wining. "Noooooo, I don't think so baby." I pouted and then I said "Btw, I feel like a g-girl today." Then I went back to pouting. He laughed and then said "Okay babygirl." I giggled and then he got on top of me, hovering me with his body. I blushed and then felt him kiss me. I kiss back and it starts to get heated. I feel his boner rub against my vagina and I moan a low 'daddy' and then realize what I said and stop everything. He smiles and asks "Are you into ddlg?" I nodded and then he smiled. I smiled to and then we cuddled until I got a text from Andy saying to come back to the bus. "Ughhhh...d-daddy I have t-to go. A-Andy texted me and said to g-go to the bus." I say sighing I hear him sigh and then get up and start to help me pack. There you go baby girl." He says to me handing my phone, smiling. I blush and then smile. I began to walk off but then he pulls me back gently by my arm and says "Where are your manners young lady?" I blush then clear my throat and say "Sorry, t-thank you d-daddy." He smiles and then pulls me to him giving me a hug while kissing the top of my head. "Good girl." He replies making me blush and giggle and then he coos in my ear "I love you baby, I'll text you tonight." I smiled and then replied, kissing his check "Okay daddy. I-I love y-you too." I then walked off the bus with my bag, smiling.

When I reached the bus I went in and almost got knocked off the bus by this blonde chick with a fake tan. She looked like an unplumpa. She looked at me in disgust and I just walked past her purposely hitting her with my shoulder. She started to cry out for Andy and I just groaned and rolled my eyes. He came in the room where his slut was and looked at me then to her. The skank was fake crying and pointing at me. I rolled my eyes so many times I was starting to think I didn't have any. He came over to me and then slapped me really and when I say really I mean REALLY hard!! It was so loud! He turn started yelling things at me like "What the he'll did you do to her?!?!" "You little bitch, no one loves you!!" Next thing I know I'm in the floor with him punching me. I just lay there and take the beating. I mean if someone says something is my fault I start to think it is even if I know I didn't do anything. I let the tears fall as I feel him being pulled off of me and people yelling at him. I just let the tears keep falling as I crawled into a corner. I just sat there staring into space. He hit me so many times I only feel numb now. I felt something in my throat well up so I ran to the bathroom and started puking. A few seconds later I feel someone grabbing my hair and holding it back for me as I just kept puking and puking. After probably about 10 mins I stopped puking and cleaned myself up at the sink. I looked in the mirror to see Ashley behind me and saw my face was beat all to hell.

I let the tears fall and he noticed because he pulled me into a hug and I just couldn't even stop crying. I pushed him away and went out of the bathroom to my bag and for my phone and ny ear buds. He tried to stop me and by now everyone was watching the scene. "Kyle come on." Ashley said trying to get me to come back. "No A-A-Ashley I h-have to t-think!!" I screamed and ran out of the bus still crying I saw Andy and Jinxx yelling at each other when I cane out. Andy tried to talk to me and so did Jinxx but I just ran away. I didn't even know where I was running to but I soon ended up at some kind of lake that was crystal clear. I put my ear buds into my phone and sat by the lake starting to feel myself calming down just by the sight of the lake. I put one of my favorite songs on which is Avenged Sevenfold: After life.

After a while of me thinking, crying, and screaming I headed back to the bus. Only to see Kyle. Fucking great!! Now he's going to see the bruises. I started to walk away but he yelled "Ah-Ah-Ah, young lady you come back here right NOW!" I stopped and then turned around slowly, my head down and slowly walked forward until I saw feet in front of me. "Why have you not returned ny texts? Are you mad at me?" He asked I felt a tear escape and I just wiped it away and shook my head. "Look at me please and tell me that your not." He said as he started to pull my face up by my chin, I felt the tears well up and then when my face was exposed his eyes got wide and he yelled "What the hell happened?!?!? Who did this to you?!?!" He sounded so mad that I flinched abd I felt tears escape. "A-Andy, he w-was ma-d." I say ny voice sounding terrible because of the crying. I saw his face get red and he clenched his jaw. "I'm gonna kill him. He said as he started running to the bvb bus. I ran after him and stoped him just before he opened to door to the bus. "K-KYLE!! STOP!!" I yelled at him crying. I had grabbed his arm to restrain him from opening the door but I guess that got him even madder because he slung me and I flew backwards and hit my head on the road I could feel myself drifting away from the world and ever thing felt fuzzy and I could feel stuff gushing from my head. I could hear Kyle yelling Andy's name but there voices were drifting. I passed out soon after I heard a loud pop that sounded like a punch.

Hey guys what's up? Yeah, I left you on a cliff hanger. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I spent Luke forever on this chapter lol. But Imma go bye💖

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now