Ch. 9

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After I had told Jinxx everything that happened he gave me a hug and told me to just stay away from Kyle tomorrow and he would see what was up with him.  I said thank you and then I hugged him telling him I was going to bed. I changed out of the clothes I was in a felt a tear go down my face as I put on a oversized thin black T-shirt and then just stayed in my black underwear. As I was putting my clothes in the dirty laundry basket I turn around and bump into a figure and I look up and realize it's Andy. "H-hi." I say in a whisper. He looks at me with remorse and then he says "we need to talk." I nod my head and then we walk outside. "I'm so so sorry Kyle. I was so hammered and I just...there's really no words to explain why I did it. And I just..idk. I just want you to know that I am deeply and truly sorry and I hope that one day you can find it in that huge heart of yours to ever forgive me." Andy really sounded deeply sorry for what he did and then I felt tears going down my face as I gave him a hug and said "I forgive y-you, Andy." I shivers as I was pulling away from him because he was so warm when I was hugging him and when the cold air of the misty night returned to my skin it was like someone was sticking little frozen needles into all the pores of my body. He noticed and then took off his black hoodie and gave it to me I took it gradually and then put it on and gave him another hug. We were standing there for what seemed like forever, until my phone buzzed from my bra. I laughed and then pulled it out looking at the message. It was from Kyle ny smile faded slowly and then I looked at the message.
K° Baby, I'm so sorry, call me please.

I decided to call him after I told Andy that I would meet him inside.
"Hey baby girl." I heard Kyle say through the phone. "Hi." I say. "What's wrong, princess?" He asked me. I made a face. "Come to the bvb bus I'm waiting outside. It'll be easier to explain when your hear." He said okay and then hung up. I waited outside for probably five mins until I saw him stumbling over to me. "Hey baby." He said I could smell beer on his breath and he went to try to kiss me. I pushed him away and he stumbled back wards then looked at me confused. "What the he'll was that for?" He asks. I know I'm crying but whatever. "Your fucking drunk, Kyle!!!!" I yell a little louder than I intended but I couldn't exactly control it. "And what are you gonna do about it little girl?" He said tauntingly. "Kyle, why are you doing this. What's wrong with you." I yell louder at him. He pushes me up against the bus by my throat. "You listen here little girl. If you ever use that tone-" I cut him short by pushing him away with all the force I have in me. "Go away!! Leave me alone!! When you figure out what your doing with your life then I might be waiting for you but if your still acting like this..then just get the he'll out of my life!!" I scream at him and keep pushing him away. Then when I've pushed him farther back enough I run to the door of my bus still crying. I run in to find Andy at the door. I run to him and hug him still crying. He picks me up and takes me to my bunk. "S-so I guess you h-heard e-e-everything.." I say as I had calmed down a little. He nodded his head and then I asked him to stay with me in my bunk tonight so he claimed in and moments after he started to sing to me I was asleep.

I woke up to Andy getting out of my bunk. I thought I'd get up and get ready as well. I decided to go into the living room first though. I walked in to see all the guys. "Hey can we go to a pool today?" They nodded their heads and asked me when. " be good." I said. I don't know what's up with me today but I just feel happy and good and like I have so much energy to run a marathon. They laughed a bit and then told me to go get my suit on. I ran to my bag and got my galaxy bikini. I put it on and then put a pair of green high wasted shorts over top of the bottom and just carried around a black shirt that said "BITE ME" in big red letters with blood dripping from the words. When I walked out I saw everyone look at me and there eyes popped out of their heads. I saw Jinxx glaring at Andy who now had a pillow on his lap. Hmmm..I wonder why..oh well. "Are you guys ready? No of course not." I say answering my own question. They just looked at me. I hand motioned for them to get up while saying "well don't just sit there and stare at me like I'm some Victoras Secret model because let me tell you..I'm not." They got up and Andy just tried to hide from me because he walked along side Jake to where I could only see his head. Woe is my body that ugly. I sat down and waited for them to get ready. Once they were ready we headed to the nearest pool they could find on the GPS. Once we got there I ran in, they paid and I waited for them inside. We picked a spot to set our stuff down at because no one was there other than us. I took my shorts off and felt someone staring at me so I turned around and saw Andy staying at me but he looked away quickly. I blushed and giggled slightly. I set my clothes in a pile and covered up my phone. I went to the high diving board and the guys watched me. I took a deep breath and ran, then jumped and when I felt myself falling I did a flip into a diving position and then hit the water. I came back up and heard cheering. I laughed and then went back under the water and swam over to where the guys were seated. I jumped out and went over to Andy who was holding my towel up. I went into the towel and he wrapped it around me. I smiled and thanked him just as my phone began to ring. I picked it up with out looked at the caller ID. "Hellr?" I asked laughing a bit. 'I got it.' The familiar voice said to me. 'You do?' I asked walking to the bathroom leaving the guys confused. 'Yeah, I'm right out side.' I went out of the bathroom and then took my stuff in the bathroom saying I was going to put it in one of the lockers but the guys didn't seem to buy it but I ran into the bathroom. I wrapped ny towel around my waist and then went out the door that was in the bathroom. As soon as I went out I was met with the face of Michael. If your wondrring, Michael was one of my best friends at the orphanage but he ran away. I had my money with me so I gave him a 40 and he gave me 2 grams of the green. I gave him a hug and asked him if he wanted to stay with me and my new family for a while. "Who's your new family?" He asked. "Black Veil Brides" I said simply. His eyes went wide and he was like fuck yes!! I laughed and took him in from the door I went out at. I went to my locker thing and put my green into my shorts pocket.

Adopted By : Black Veil Brides (Not the same as my first one)Where stories live. Discover now