Chapter Four

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"Yes I did. I am guessing some sort of reincarnation or maybe some sort of fake death." Castiel answered. "But that's more of a trickster thing right? Like Gabriel, even though he might be dead, he could take his death, cause you know, he's a trickster and can never be out tricked. He could've taught Balthazar a trick or two to avoid being killed, especially when it comes to you three, more like you two Winchester boys an-" Emerson was soon cut off by Dean.

"No, no, no. Get Gabriel out the picture Em." Dean told her. "Alright, but Balthazar could've faked his death without Gabriel. Remembering from what you told me the years back, he basically sounds like the Gordon Ramsey of Angels and can cook up a spell or what ever does." Emerson stated. "But didn't you tell me he stole a bunch of artifacts?" She soon asked. "Yes he does, that's why we are warning you." Sam answered Emerson. "You just need to be on the look at the museum you work at and there's a huge chance of Balthazar having a new vessel and he is dangerous and stronger now, alright?" Sam said. "Alright, I'll be in the look out." Emerson told them. "Good. Well call you later girl."

After Emerson hung up, she put her phone away and focused on work, but she couldn't. A man walked into the section is was organizing in. He was handsome, lean, and tall but not as tall as Castiel. He looked older than Emerson but Emerson didn't care, she still found him quite good to look at. Blue eyes and a slight tan. '

Emerson! Stop it! Get back to work!' Emerson thought and returned to work. At the corner of Emerson's eye, she saw the man looking over at Emerson. His eyes looked her up and down and smirked. The man kept his gaze, looking at Emerson. Emerson felt her blush build up in her cheeks and couldn't help but giggle and quickly finish up what she was doing. As she walked away, the man toke one last look at Emerson before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

Emerson speed walked to her desk and tried to hide herself by having her face down low. 'Oh gosh, he was so cute!' Emerson blushed again and got out her schedule for the day, trying to get the man out of her heart. 'But those eyes, those blue eyes.' Emerson thought. 'Dammit! You need to work, stay focused!' She shook head and went to the music section.

~Time Skip: That night~

Emerson couldn't get that man out of her head all day. She couldn't handle it but then remembered what the boys said. Soon, Emerson felt cautious about it. 'Sunday, barley anyone comes on Sunday. He was the only man in my section...or angel.' Emerson thought. Eager to know, Emerson quickly grabbed her phone and dialed Dean's number.

"Hello?" Emerson heard Dean's voice on the other side. "Hey! What did Balthazar look like!" Emerson almost screamed. "Whoa there Em, hold your horses." Dean softly chuckled. "Let me put you on speaker." He said. "Hey Em! What's the deal?" Sam asked. "It's Sunday. Sunday's at the museum are usually slow and there are barely any visitors. When I looked on how many visitors there was , there was fourteen.

A school group of twelve and their advisor making that thirteen. But then earlier there was this man where I was doing some work and I saw him. He looked at me few a long few seconds and I am wondering what Balthazar looks like! I know I seem crazy because y'all just called me this morning, but this Museum is basically my life and if anything gets stolen, I'll be kicking some butts." Emerson told them.

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