Chapter Eight

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Emerson woke up to a knock on the door. "Hey girl! We're here!" Emerson heard a familiar gruff voice. Soon she went wide eyed and sat straight up, knowing exactly who's that voice belongs too, Dean. "They're here!" Emerson gasped, rushing to change into something decent so the boys wouldn't see her they way she is.

Quickly rushing to the door, Emerson opened it and smiled

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Quickly rushing to the door, Emerson opened it and smiled. Her three friends were standing right outside the door. "Hey Em!" Sam said with a huge smile on his face. "Hey guys," Emerson responded, "come right in.". Emerson got a huge huge by each one of the buys. They're all so tall and it felt like they were just going to lift her up off her feet.

"Wow Em! This place is huge!" Dean commented with a smirk. "Yeah, it is. I really don't know what to do with a big place like this." Emerson said. "Well it's big enough for all the pie we brought!" Dean cheered. Emerson giggled as the boys placed down their bags. "We also brought you some flowers." Castiel told Emerson and handed her a bouquet of purple and blue flowers. "Awe! Guys, you didn't have too!" Emerson blushed.

She put them in a vase, showed the boys their rooms, and checked the time. "Guys, I need to leave!" Emerson half-yelled, putting her shoes on and and grabbed her bag. "Don't destroy the house please!" She said as Dean and Sam came down stairs. "Have fun at work." Sam said and Castiel toke a seat on the couch.

Emerson walked down the streets, the wings was strong and her short hair flowed with it. She soon got to the museum and rushed in. "Hey Emerson!" She heard a voice close to her. It was one of her work friends, Lisa Greys. Peyton works at the front office and Emerson and her have been friends for about 4 years, that's when Lisa started.

She is around 20 years older than her, but Lisa is a little bit like a mother to her. Emerson grew up without a mother, she left when Emerson was really young and never came back.

"There was a handsome man talking to you yesterday." Lisa said with a smirk on her face. Emerson blushed a little and looked down at her feet. Lisa laughed and put her elbows on the table, making fists with her hands, and placed her head on them.

"His name is Balthazar." Emerson told her, more like she giggled out. "That's a name I've never heard before, it seems so different. Also, that man is very handsome." Lisa winked at her and a smirk appeared on her face. "He is, but he looks a little bit older than me." Emerson said. "Oh sweetie, that age shouldn't really matter when your out of your teen years." Lisa said. "Oh and I meant to tell you that I saw him walk in with a beautiful rose in his hand. He seems like he is a charmer."

Emerson walked to her section and sat at her desk. A blush burned her cheeks when she saw a beautiful blood red rose on her desk. It was placed upon a note with the words written in gorgeous cursive.

'Good morning darling, hope you enjoy your day at work. Have a beautiful day, love.'

She smiled and giggled, her cheeks grew darker with blush. Emerson looked around her and sees Balthazar leaning up against a wall, a big grin is on his face as he looked back.

Balthazar walks toward, his hands in his pockets. "You look very pretty today darling." He stated, stopping in is tracks a little bit away from Emerson, looking at her up and down. "Thank you Balthazar, so do you." Emerson said. Balthazar's smile only grew bigger when Emerson looked down, trying to hide a smile.

Balthazar gently grabbed Emerson chin and lifted it up to look at him. "No one this beautiful should never look down at the ground. Keep your head up." Balthazar told her. Emerson's smile was never this big, at least not in a long time.

"Balthazar, you way to kind." Emerson muttered quietly. "Well, I wouldn't say that." Balthazar said. Emerson gave him a weird and confused look, but then realized what the Winchester's told her.

Emerson's mood completely changed at that moment. Everything the Winchester's told her about Balthazar, she started to not believe to much. He is kind to her, he is very charming, and damn, is Emerson falling hard for his looks.

"Darling, are you ok?" Balthazar asked, getting Emerson out of trance. "Oh, I'm fine, I um...I-" Emerson pauses and looks at Balthazar. He places a hand on her lower arm. "I'm good." She whispers and takes a step back from him.

"You know what, I'll leave you to your work. I'll hopefully see you later." Balthazar said and started to walk away. "Balthazar, wait." Emerson spoke, more like a little cry. He quickly turned around to face her. "Um, can we maybe switch numbers?" She asked shyly. Balthazar smiled at her and nodded.

Emerson rushes to her desk and then grabbed Balthazar's hand.

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