Chapter Eleven

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The next day, the Winchesters and the angel left. Emerson is now all alone at her apartment, like the usual. She plops down on her seat and crosses her arms. Balthazar comes to her mind and can't get the thought of meeting up with him out.

Balthazar has been on her mind since last night. What he said to her yesterday, the last time they made contact, talked to one another. It has been bothering Emerson ever since.

Balthazar leans down slightly and whispers into her ear. "Call me later, I'll take you some where if you want me to."

Emerson breathes heavily as she runs her hands through her hair. Now Balthazar knows that Emerson always knew that he is an angel. "He probably hates me now!" Emerson groans and pulls her knees to her chest.

She hears a flapping of wings, soon tensing up. The thought of the boys coming back so soon angers her. Emerson stands from her seat and her hands clench up into fists. "Castiel, I swear! I'm so mad at you and those Winchesters! How dare you come back so soon! Especially without consulting me!" She yells before turning around.

It's not Castiel, nor Sam and Dean, it's Balthazar. "Oh, Balthazar! I'm so sorry!" Emerson cries, covering her face with her hands. "Darling, it's fine. I know you're frustrated." Balthazar says to her softly. He walks to her and stands in front of her.

"I knew I was an angel all this time Emerson." He says. "I'm so sorry! I should've told you right away! I don't care if you would've killed me or kill me now! I'm really sorry." Emerson spats out. "I am not going to kill you, I promise. I know I would've acted differently from when we just met."

Emerson looks up and Balthazar, her eyes slightly watering. "Don't you cry, please." Balthazar tells Emerson. He reaches out to touch her arm to comfort her but she backs away. "Wrong time, I see." Balthazar whispers. "I'm so sorry!" Emerson shouts, turning away and walks toward the stairs.

"Emerson, wait." Balthazar says following her. He quickly grabs her hand, making her stop. Emerson turns slightly to him and a tear drops from her eye. "There is no reason to be sorry, now stop saying that you are." He tells her, his voice demanding. Emerson looks into his eyes, her eyes drying as she tries to take her hand away from Balthazar.

Balthazar's hand only tightens on Emerson's, only making her pull away harder. "Balthazar." Emerson muttered, now glaring at him. "Let me go." She demanded, still trying to tug her hand back. "No, I am not finished." Balthazar said, his voice loud. "Yes you are done!" Emerson said, finally getting her hand back.

She pulls away a little to hard and starts to fall. Emerson squeals, but suddenly feels a pair of arms wrap around her. She looks up to see Balthazar had caught her and she stands up. Still in Balthazar's arms, she feels him tighten around her.

"You're not going anywhere darling, not on my watch." Balthazar states. Emerson tries a little to get out of his grip, but gives up. "We need to talk about what happened earlier." Balthazar tells her.


Emerson and Balthazar sit down on the couch of the living room. "Listen, I shouldn't have left so quickly. That was highly inappropriate, I should have made sure that you were okay." Balthazar says. "But you left, that's not what is bothering me though. You told me to call you if I wanted you to take me somewhere if I wanted you to. You kissed my cheek." Emerson spoke right after Balthazar finished.

Balthazar looks down at himself, looking guilty but secretly proud of kissing her. "That was inappropriate too. I should've waited for your consent to kiss you. Again, I should have stayed to have made sure you were okay." He says, looking back up. Emerson looks away right as they make eye contact.

"You care about me Balthazar. Why?" Emerson asks. Balthazar raises his eyebrow at her, leaning back into the couch. "Well, I find you different from other humans. There is something about you that makes you different. But of course every human is different, but you hold history. God has given you a gift." Balthazar says. "A gift? Why would God give me a gift, when has he ever cared about me?" Emerson asks.

As she questioned him, Balthazar toke a deep breathe. "He needed someone to hold this skill, a human. God made you worthy. Emerson, God made you of ancient line. You're a child of great Ancient Greek warriors and carpenters, a child of Ancient Egyptian pharaohs and engineers. You are a child of greats! You have a mind of many ancient heroes, that's why you were able to make that knife! The protection symbols were perfect!" Balthazar got more and more excited as he spoke.

"You might as well turn out to be a goddess yourself." Balthazar has a big smile on his face. Emerson is overwhelmed, not just what Balthazar is telling her, but by his excitement and his slight seriousness.

Emerson stares at him, her eyes wide and a little bit amused by his tone of voice. "Don't you understand Emerson! You're important, you can do so many great things!" Balthazar's smile only gets bigger. "I honestly don't know what to say. Balthazar, you're overwhelming me." She chuckled at the end of her sentence.

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