Chapter Thirteen

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Emerson rushes up to her room, Balthazar tells her they would need to hurry. She agreed with him because of the incident at the museum. If that didn't happen, she would've never got anything like that out of Balthazar so quickly.

Balthazar leans against her doorframe as he watches her pack a duffle bag. Emerson sloppily puts her clothes into it and stuff that she needs.

All Balthazar could do was just smile at Emerson. He chuckled as Emerson basically rum aged through her closet for a book bag. Emerson started to mumble curse words and things like 'I know a book bag was in here dammit', 'That stupid little piece of ass of a Winchester do to my shit before he left!', and 'Oh my friggen gosh, if I can't find the thing, I will explode!'.

"Darling, you're simply a fool for not asking for help." Balthazar states. Emerson backs up out of her closet to see Balthazar, not only with a book bag, but a really nice book bag. "And you dear sir, are an asshole." She tells him. Balthazar smirks and placed the book bag on Emerson's bed.

Balthazar walks to her, his smirk getting on Emerson's nerves. She fake pouts adorably and looks away from him. "I am guessing that you need a few new notebooks for the museums, hm?" Balthazar asks. "Stop it!" Emerson giggles turns her back on him.

As Balthazar's smirk turns to a smile, he snaps. Emerson looks to the book bag on her bed and seeing it surrounded by notebooks with pens, pencils, colored pencils, and a pencil pouch. "Balthazar! There's so much! Stop this!" Emerson shouts. "I don't know how I can repay you.

"Well, as long as you help me with getting stuff from museums, that's the only way you could only repay me. It's going to a little hard to get artifacts I need." Balthazar states. "What will I have to do again?" Emerson asks him. "To help study some artifacts to make a powerful weapon, to go around the world and see museums." Balthazar says looking down at his feet.

Giggles come from Emerson are like music to Balthazar's ears. "I don't believe that's the main reason." Emerson states as she giggles some more. "I know what you are thing darling. I think I want to be with you, because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on." Balthazar says.

Emerson blushes again and crosses her arms. "I am not beautiful Balthazar." She tells him. "To me you are, now don't be like that." Balthazar says, walking closer to Emerson. "Balthazar, I swear." She giggles and starts to put the notebooks into the book bag.

So many beautifully decorated notebooks filled the larger pocket of the bag. Utensils were organized in another pocket. "You must hurry, you are getting alerts on your phone from the news that there has been some sort of crime at your museum." Balthazar tells Emerson.

Emerson nods in response and Balthazar snaps. Everything is organized is in to bags, one holding her clothes and the new book bag with entertainment. "Let's get out of here." Emerson tells Balthazar.

"The police around this place are the friendliest people, but the aren't nice when something like this happens." Emerson says as the two rush down the stairs. "Alright darling, let's just go ahead and leave now." Balthazar says. "Were to first?" Emerson asks him. "Italy. The Fortuny Museum, a museum of art. It will help to study some paintings, I really want to show you it." He answers.

Balthazar places his hand on Emerson's shoulder. Right as Emerson blinked and opens her eyes, she wasn't in her apartment anymore.

"Whoa, Balthazar...where are we?" Emerson asks. "Venice of course!" Balthazar answers, smiling down at her. "You fool." Emerson smiles a little, making Balthazar chuckle softly.

The city of Venice is beautiful, the tall buildings, the boats, the water is wonderful

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The city of Venice is beautiful, the tall buildings, the boats, the water is wonderful. Emerson's face is lit up with joy and happiness, always a few steps ahead of Balthazar, making him smile of how happy she looks.

The streets are filled with people, they are chatting with another. Emerson giggles as she stops and turns around to see Balthazar looking back at her. She giggles again and continues to walk the direction she was, and of course Balthazar follows.

A smile could never by so bright, it made everyone who she past smile too. Emerson glows with a flush of pink on her cheeks. The is just a ray of sunshine everyone needed to see to make their day better.

Balthazar and Emerson made it to a bridge and it was just them two there. "Balthazar. Is this really real?" Emerson giggles as she looks down at the sparkling water below the two.

Balthazar stands beside Emerson and does the same as she is. "It is more real than what your questioning. You are here darling, just like I told you. This is Venice." He tells her. Emerson looks at him, her smile still on her face.

Her hazel eyes are sparkling like the water. It's starting to get dark and the stars start to show, and the stars look just like her smile. Balthazar can feel her excitement, knowing she has already forgotten home.

"I love this." Emerson mutters to herself. "You must be living the dream, going around the world." She continues.

"You know what?" Emerson says quietly, looks back down, but at her feet. "What?" Balthazar asks her. Emerson hesitantly gets on her tippy toes. She places a kiss on Balthazar's cheek, then placing her head on his shoulder. "I think I could get used to this." She states.

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