Chapter Ten

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"Give us Emerson." Dean demanded. "Why? I'm here with Emerson first, talking to her and you so rudely interrupted our little chat." Balthazar said. "Put the knife down and let us get Emerson." Sam pulled up is gun as he talked, so did Dean.

Emerson backed up against one of the World War II shelves behind her. Frightened, she stays quiet. "You two are the rudest people on earth-" Balthazar before Dean interrupted. "Don't care!" Dean yelled. Emerson gulped and decided to speak.

"Sam, Dean. Stop it!" She said, stepping to the side, letting see herself more. "Emerson, come here now before he hurts you if he hadn't already!" Dean said. "Shut up Dean! I hasn't hurt me!" Emerson yelled as she walked to the side of Balthazar and a little forward.

Dean doesn't make eye contact with Emerson, doesn't even acknowledge that she talked. "Em, come here." Castiel said in am demanding voice. "As long as y'all don't hurt him!" Emerson said. "Put the guns down guys!" She soon said, a little too loudly.

Rushing footsteps were heard from all of them. The footsteps kept getting louder and louder. "Security." Emerson told them, frightened. Castiel snapped and the guns in Sam and Dean's hands are gun.

Balthazar toke Emerson's hand and soon, they two of them were out of sight. Dean groaned and stumped is foot in the ground. Him, Sam, and Castiel moved quickly through the WWII section, avoiding the sight of security.

"How can our Em trust the freaking asshat!" Dean muttered. "Shut up!" Sam told him as quiet as possible. Castiel moves to the brothers and places is hands on their forehead, disappearing.

The security ran to the dead end of the section. No one is in sight, the boys are gone right on time. Security went out and searched the area of the section.


Emerson gasps and quickly opens her eyes. Balthazar is in front of her, still holding her hand. "Balthazar, I don't know what to say." Emerson tells the angels. Balthazar leans down slightly and whispers into her ear. "Call me later, I'll take you some where if you want me to.". And soon, Balthazar was no where in sight.

The last thing, she felt something....a kiss on the cheek.

He left Emerson by her desk, she is completely frightened. She sits down in her seat and breaths deeply. "Emerson!" She eats her voice yelled, catching her attention.

Emerson looks up and sees Lisa rushing to her. "They are evacuating the visitors. There was apparently yelling and mentions of guns. The security found spilled bullets somewhere in the World War Two section." Lisa tells her. Emerson fakes everything, putting what just happened in the back of her mind.

"That's insane. What are they going to do?" Emerson asks, gulping. "They are planning on closing down the section and a few surrounding sections, which may include yours." Lisa answers her. Emerson sighs and puts her face in her hands.

Lisa places her hand on Emerson's shoulder. "I know how much you love it here and that you don't like unplanned days out." Lisa told her. Emerson looks up out of her hands and sighs again.

A woman from security walks over to them, tells them what happened, telling them that this section will have to be closed for a day or two for the investigation.

"Thank you officer." Lisa says, smiling and Emerson did too. "You're welcome." The officer replied and walked away. Lisa turns to Emerson and crosses her arms. "Well, do you want me to stay while you get your stuff together?" She asks. "No, no. It's fine." Emerson tells her.

Lisa walks back to the front of the museum as Emerson got what she needs and looks at the time. "1 o'clock, alright." She mutters to herself and looks at her notifications. Two texts notifications from Castiel and she sighs. 'Dammit Cas!' She thinks to herself.

'Where are you? What did Balthazar do to you?'

'Are you okay? I sent Sam and Dean back to your apartment.'

Emerson sighs and slings her bag over her shoulder. "Guess I have to head to the apartment." She says as she rolls her eyes.


Emerson arrives at her apartment and unlocks the door, opening it and revealing herself to two extremely mad Winchesters. 'Well, this is going to be great!' She thinks as she closes the door and looks it. Dean is the first one out of his chair and walks over to Emerson.

"Em, what did he do to you?" Dean questions, is voice stern and demanding. "He did nothing to me!" Emerson exclaimed and walked by him. "Where did he hurt you?" He continued, basically yelling. "We want to know what he did to you." Sam stated seriously.

Castiel stands, his arms crossed and keeping quiet as he stairs at Emerson. "I never hurt me! Why won't you two assholes trust me?" Emerson yelled, dropping her bag on the floor as she turn to her three friends.

"Balthazar came back from the dead. We came to the conclusion that you are something that Balthazar wants to steal." Sam said. "That's insane guys, y'all are so stupid!" Emerson told them. "I was forced to leave the museum because of you three asshats. You guys came in armed, with guns and all that crap. There are security cameras all of the place, you three manage to get in here, probably transport there to avoid the front service. I am so mad at you guys. Now I can't go to work for a few days. At first, it was one or to days! Now, it's going to be a freaking week and a half! If I can't go to work, then I can't make money! Thanks a lot! I really recommend getting out of New York before you three getting arrested!" Emerson rants.

The three look at her, amazed by how furious she is. "Do I need to talk more or have I explained enough?" Emerson questions as she gives the boys a death glare.

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