Chapter Six

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"Here you go Em." Barkley said, placing down a coffee in front of Emerson. "What's in your head girl? Your not that talkative." Barkley asked her. "Oh nothing, I just zoned out. Sorry." Emerson said, looking away from the figure to face Barkley. "That's fine." Barkley smiled and leaned up against the counter.

Barkley went back into the kitchen, leaving Emerson alone so he could close the kitchen up. Emerson looked back at the figure and studied him for a little bit. He toke a sip from his coffee and placed it on the table before standing up. Emerson quickly looked away from him, immediately knowing it was Balthazar.

Balthazar looked over at Emerson, then smiled at her, noticing that she was looking at him before. He saw the faint blush spread across Emerson's face. Balthazar couldn't help but want to introduce himself. So he decided to walk over to her, making Emerson look at him.

"Hello." Balthazar said to Emerson. "Hey." Emerson blushed harder by his accent. "My name is Balthazar. May I ask for yours?" Balthazar asked. "M-My name is Emerson." She answered him. "What a beautiful name. It fits you quite well." Balthazar complimented. "Thank you." Emerson soon giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. "I've noticed you work at that museum not so far from here." Balthazar stated. "I do. It's quite nice there." Emerson said. "It is." Balthazar agreed, nodding his head.

Emerson fully looked into Balthazar's eyes. His eyes are blue, just like she remembered them. They are like stars, sparkling and flicking. His eyes weren't like Castiel's eyes, Castiel's was more blue than Balthazar's. Balthazar's was more like a sky blue.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help but say that you look stunningly beautiful." Balthazar commented. Emerson was now completely red with blush. "Th-thank you, but I'm not really beautiful at all." Emerson giggled again. "I'm stating the truth darling. Don't look down on your self." Balthazar told her. Emerson couldn't contain her blush.

"I'm sorry but I need to get home, it's really dark outside." Emerson stated. "It is quite late for a lady to go home alone. I'll walk you there." Balthazar told her. "I'm fine thank you." Emerson him, a small smile forming across her lips. "I insist." Balthazar said, not letting the idea. "Your too much of a gentleman." Emerson told him. All Balthazar did was just smile.

Balthazar held the door open for her and stuck his arm out for her to take. Emerson shyly did and stuck close to him. Now thinking about, Emerson was glad that Balthazar was with her. It is New York you know, you don't know what could happen.

Emerson shivered and tensed up when Balthazar pulled away. She looked at him as he toke his blazer, the only thing keeping him warm, off and wrapped it around her. "You don't have to do this, your going to freeze!" Emerson told him. "I don't mind cold weather. Your cold and I can see goosebumps all over you darling." Balthazar said.

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