Chapter Sixteen

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Balthazar looks at her lovingly, holding her tight. "I must return that kiss you gave me not so long ago." Emerson tells him softly. "You do not need to return anything to me, my darling." She blushes at the angels words, shoving her face into his chest.

A chuckle comes from Balthazar, kissing the top of Emerson's head. He softly tightens one arm around her waist, his other arm letting his hand cup her cheek. The wind picks up slightly and rose petals are carried with it. The wind started to circle around the two.

Soon, all the two could see is rose petals. Emerson giggles and looks up at the angel. Balthazar's hand cups her cheek and their foreheads gently touch. "Your up to something." Emerson states. "No darling, I'm not." Balthazar tells her.

Emerson smirks at him and laughs, "Yes you are! I can tell! This is some weird shit you're trying to pull off!". "I'm not trying to pull off anything, I swear!" Balthazar admits. He seems to be getting worried.

One of his arms holds Emerson tightly against himself. A blade slides out of his jacket sleeve, his eyes darts everywhere around the two. It's starts to scare Emerson and she loosens his grip on Balthazar, trying to break away from the angel. She failed, Balthazar's arm didn't move an inch.

"You're scaring me." Emerson mumbles to Balthazar, looking at the knife in his hand. Balthazar looks down at her and gently kisses her forehead. "We are in danger, you have to stay close to me, my darling." He says to Emerson. This isn't going to turn out well and the two knew it.

Petal by petal, each one turns a very dark color, almost pitch black. The petals crumble to the ground, letting the angel and the girl see what's behind them. A dark grey fog surrounds them and a terrible smell filled Emerson, making her feel sick.

She looks at Balthazar, who looks like he is in a movie and going into battle. "Balthazar, what's going on?" She yells at the angel. "I don't know, just keep calm!" Balthazar tries to tell her. "Keep calm! Excuse me, but did you say 'keep calm'? How can I keep calm?" Emerson yells at the angel some more.

The fog slowly crawls closer to the angel and girl. The sound of whispers are heard by both. "What are the voices saying Balthazar?" Emerson voice went low into a whisper. The angel squints as he thinks about the voices are saying. The whispers get a little louder, but Emerson still can't hear them.

Balthazar's eyes widen slightly, realizing what they're saying. Emerson looks up at him, her eyes are telling him what's on her mind. She's begging him to tell her, begging him to take her home, but she doesn't need to tell him.

"The voices. They are saying my older brothers name. Lucifer." Balthazar tells her. "No." Emerson breathes out. "No, no, no. This can't be happening! Not now!" She continued. By instinct, Emerson balls up her fist and forcefully shoves herself away from Balthazar.

She starts to run into the fog, but the angels hand grips her wrist. "Balthazar!" she yells. "I'm not letting you out of me sight." A voice says. It wasn't Balthazar's, it's a voice Emerson vaguely recognizes from when she was a teen.

It was after she met the Winchester's and they needed her help. They had a case that went sideways, but in a weird way. They were in a store and this dude thought they were cosplaying from these books.

Emerson turns around and her eyes widen. The fog guys away, Balthazar is a couple feet behind  her and a man.


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