Wheelchair Bound

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Im Jaebum, a guard who had been working for 7 years at a small almost non-existent castle had been scouted randomly by a servant from the Choi's to become one of their own. Jaebum didn't believe it at first, the Choi's literally ruled and controlled the area, but then the servant gave him a letter that was signed by the king himself.

They wanted Jaebum to guard their son, the prince, Youngjae. Jaebum was a bit sceptical at first due to never actually seeing the prince outside the castle before, but after being told about the immense amount of money he would be getting he agreed to the job.

And that's just a tiny introduction on how he ended up here now. Being pulled and pushed through all sorts of doors at 6:50am by a servant of the castle.

"-And this here is the kitchen." The stranger says to Jaebum as the two walked into the room. The stranger let Jaebum look around for a few seconds before continuing to their next destination.

"-Over this way you can find yourself a row of doors stretching from the eye can see. These are all the servant's bedchambers. There are names on the doors to show who's is who's. "The man looked at Jaebum with a smug sort of smile. "Of course though you don't get one here."

Jaebum arched an eyebrow 'where else would I be sleeping?'

The duo then proceeded up nearly 16 flights of stairs then down a large hallway until they reached a pair of vintage looking wooden doors.

Jaebums tour guide stopped at the doors and glanced at Jaebum.

"This is prince Youngjaes room. A servant or guard always comes in at 7:00am sharp to wake the prince up."

Jaebum sighed. Great. He was dealing with a brat who can't wake himself in the morning.

These are going to be some hard years of work.

The servant pushed the wooden doors open to reveal a large room. It was the second biggest in the castle, the first being the great hall. It had one giant gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling with diamonds in the shape of music notes dangling off it. Below was a sea of carpet that was a beautiful velvet red color with a golden border around it. In the middle of it all was a white king-sized bed with a giant lump under the blankets indicating someone was in it.

"Young prince, it's time to wake up now." The servant said as he walked up to the bed and shook the lump of blankets gently.

The giant lump let out a small groan and begun to squirm slowly.

Soon enough the covers were pulled down and the person was sitting up in an awkward position. It allowed Jaebum to finally see the guy he would be protecting for the next few years, and shit. Beautiful was an understatement. The guy looked like a Greek god. Aphrodite would be quaking in her boots if she saw him.

He had strawberry blonde hair that was dishevelled, adding to his cuteness and he had the most gorgeous honey brown eyes he had seen; and just to top it all off there was a small mole delicately placed by the angels themselves just under his left eye.

"Good morning Jinyoung...and friend?" The cute boy was now staring at him with his head tilted slightly in confusion. 

"Youngjae- "The Jinyoung guy started. "-Meet Im Jaebum. He's going to be a guard here. To be more specific he's going to be your personal guard."

The prince gave Jaebum a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." The boy then looked back to Jinyoung.

"It's good that we've another guard but what do you mean by my personal one? I thought all the guards were here to protect my family and I."

The raven haired male sat himself down on the mattress, sighing. He thought someone had already discussed this issue with the prince.

"Your father didn't tell you?"

The questioned seemed to confuse the boy even more as his features scrunched up slightly and he shook his head.

"Didn't tell me what?"

"Jaebum here is going to be...well...how do I describe it...your babysitter? He's going to be with you 24/7 practically. He's going to tend to all your needs."

Jaebum and Youngjaes eyes widened slightly.

"What?" they both questioned in sync, unsure of whether they heard the man correctly.

Jaebum knew he was guarding the prince, but he didn't know there was going to be more to it than that.

He glanced over to the boy. The blond was looking down with a small frown, then he noticed Jaebum stare and forced himself to smile.

"Okay, but Jinyoung. Why now is father giving me a...b-babysitter?"

Jaebum crossed his arms, an unamused expression on his face. He wanted to know why too.

"It's because everyone here has their own important job to do but since you need assistance a lot your keeping them from doing their job efficiently. So your father hired the best guard he could find and decided that his job would be to only take care of you, nothing else."

"oh..." the prince muttered sadly.

Jinyoung ran a comforting hand through the prince's strawberry blonde locks. He understood why the younger would be upset but there's nothing he can do about it.

"Would you like me to help you into you chair one last time?"

The younger perked at that, his mood immediately lightening. "Yes please!" he grinned.

Okay. Now Jaebum was confused.

"Chair?" he questioned, wondering if he spaced out for a minute and missed out on some valuable information, because he does do that sometimes.

Jinyoung ignores the question, walking to a cupboard that was on the other side of the room. He watched as Jinyoung opened it, eyes widening when he saw the contents inside.

"I should buy you a knew one prince, it's starting to look a little old." The raven haired male said as he veered a silver wheel chair to the side of Youngjaes bed.

The younger shook his head.

"I can't replace it, it's my favorite. The most comfortable one I own. Plus i dont want you spending your money on me." The boy said as he threw off his blanket.

"hmmm...I guess it's fine then, as long as your happy ." Jinyoung replied before walking back to Youngjaes side. The raven haired male slowly slipped his hands underneath the boys frail body, lifting him up bridal style and placing him gently on the soft cushioning of the wheel chair.

Jaebum let out a small 'oh' as the gears in his brain finally started to turn, the pieces of the puzzle finally fitting together. No wonder this guy needs so much help. He's wheelchair bound.

I'm so pumped for this fic \*^*/ I hope you guys are too!!

Btw if you've read my other fanfic Case Close you'll notice how short this chapter is compared to them. It's probably gonna stay this sort of length throughout the chapters but don't be discouraged! That just means ill prob post chapters sooner ^^

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