The King

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Youngjae was a nervous wreck when Jaebum told him they were going to see the king today.

The two have been practicing for a week now. Yes, a week.

It's sound like too much and it is, but they didn't have much of a choice. The King was busy and couldn't talk to Youngjae, his own son, until today.

Youngjae was fine with waiting as it was something he was used to, while Jaebum on the other hand was frustrated unable to understand how someone could put their own son on hold for a week.

"How are you feeling Jaebum?" The blonde questioned, looking up at the male who was wheeling him through the hallway.

Jaebum arched an eyebrow, giving the younger a quick glance. "Me? Shouldn't I be asking you that? But I guess I'm okay. How about you?"

"I'm actually really nervous." The boy mumbled, rubbing his sweaty palm on his lap.

"Just do as you practised and I'm sure the king will allow you to have your party." The guard said, glancing down at the Younger who was staring off into space.

"I'll do my best..."

The two came to a stop when they reached huge doors with 4 guards lining up in front of them.

"Good morning."Youngjae smiled politely at the guards.

They gave an acknowledging nod in return and slowly opened the door for the two to enter.

'Wow...' was the only word that came to Jaebums mind as he looked inside the room. It was so much bigger than Youngjaes and the dining hall combined. Not to mention it was literally just space with a few pieces of expensive furniture placed in it.

Jaebum wheeled Youngjae over to the large desk with small details encrypted in it that was sitting at the far back. Behind the desk was a thrown with a man, Jaebum presumed was the King, sitting on it.

When the man noticed Youngjae a huge smile came onto his features.

"Son. It's good to see you. We haven't talked in a while. 2 weeks maybe?"

"2 months..." Youngjae mumbled under his breathe, though no one heard him.

"Anyway, what is it you wanted to come talk to me about?" The brunette asked, leaning back into the red velvet cushion of his throne.

Youngjae took a deep breath in to calm his nerves. He then glanced at Jaebum for reassurance then back to the King.

"Well, you see father. As you already know my birthday is coming up in a couple of months, and I don't want to be selfish or anything but I really want to celebrate it this year with a party."

The man nodded.

"No worries. I don't know why you came to ask me about that you could have done it without asking me."

Excitement filled Youngjaes body. He didn't expect his father to agree so easily.

"Really?! W-well okay! I'll go ask BamBam to send out the invitations an-"

"Wait. What do you mean invitations?" The King asked with a frown.

Youngjae looked at his father with a confused expression.

"For the party? I want to invite people from other kingdoms and even maybe the citizens-"

"No you won't" his father said sternly, cutting the boy off.

"What I meant Youngjae, was that you could have a party with the servants and guards here. No way will I let you invite other people to the castle.

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