Chapter 7

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Link's POV

She's invited me round to her small family house, just a bit away from the castle (a beautiful little cottage type thing) for a few drinks with friends... I'm not too sure who or what to expect, if everyone gets hammered and I don't it will be weird but I won't have too much...

I went in for a shower when Zelda had came round to pick up the necklace she left here a while ago, she's let herself in (as I've always told her she can) and went to get it when I had came out the shower, I had my boxers on so she never seen anything, her face went bright red when she seen me. She'd never seen me in less than a tunic so it must've been a bit shocking for her, I'm not too self conscious, I'm quite a well built guy, the only thing I'm really insecure about is the scar I've been left across my back from Ganondorf attacking me...

After she'd left I put on my casual clothes, trusty master sword in the belt, I scraped my blonde hair off of my face then went out to get Epona. I was 3rd to arrive, and got myself a beer and sat talking to Zelda for a while.

As the night went on everyone got progressively more drunk and started to get a bit ridiculous, where as Zelda and I stayed as sober as possible...

Eventually after everyone left, Zelda and I were sitting in the cottage, we'd both decided we wanted to stay there overnight, we just sat and talked for hours about out futures, it was funny how over the full adventure I grew so protective of her. I constantly worry about her, but she does the same back. We talked a little about our friendship, how much we cared for each other. "Hey, Zelda? You know, I care for you a lot and erm, I think about you all the time and I know this is probably the most idiotic thing I've ever said but would you like me to cook you dinner tomorrow?"

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