Chapter Two

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"No, no, no." Christian hovers over me as I finish an equation. "You're using the wrong formula. Remember, this one is used for when you have variables."

"Honestly, being tutored in algebra 2 is enough for me not to care about variables." I mutter and he glares down at me with malice.

"Your promise to me says otherwise," he says. "Or were you lying?"

He wears a creepy smile on his face as he says it and I focus on my paper, erasing the answer I thought was right.

Jeez he's creepy!

I've been visiting his house everyday after school. Even on the weekends, I'll come over for a few hours just to study for my tests.

Even though he's supposed to help me in just English, math, and economics, he's helped me with history too. And I've gotten into the terrible habit of calling him Christian instead of Mr. Bradshaw.

"You like my sister, don't you?" I ask gently as I finish erasing the marks on the paper. When he doesn't answer, I turn around on the swivel chair. He's got his arms folded over his chest like he's protecting himself and stares at the ground.

"I'm not mad if you do it's just that she has a boyfriend." I state the obvious. His eyes show a little pain but he smiles.

"Anything that makes her happy, makes me happy. I'm not going to ruin her relationship for myself. She'd hate me and I can't ruin our long standing relationship," he says and looks to me now. His eyes are softer when they look into my eyes.

"Besides, the novels are my fantasy." He smiles to himself as he fixes the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Why can't you have her just fall in love with you instead then?" I ask and he chuckles.

"To be as young as you," he says like he's reminiscing on something. He shakes his head and smiles. "Don't worry, I'm happy."

That's not my concern.

When I swivel around, I look at the problem before me and frown at it. My concern is that he's going to eventually get hurt if he hasn't already. My sister's oblivious and sweet and doesn't have a clue about Christian's feelings for her. He does everything to make her happy. Like tutoring me for example.

Oh what am I saying!

"Having trouble?" He asks and leans over me. I can smell his cologne and feel his warmth next to me. My heart pounds loudly as he tries explaining the problem to me. I can multitask just fine but I don't understand why my sister wouldn't see how much he cares about her.


For dinner, I cook us meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Because Christian is an author, he's finally gone up to his office to write his next manuscript.

I wish my sister would notice him. Or maybe she did at some point and ignored her feelings about him? Whatever the case may be he also needs to find someone for him who'll pay attention to him. He takes such great care of her but she still only sees him as a friend. Even so, he's always so dedicated to her.

I'm worrying about it again. I shake my head quickly and hear the oven beep. When I take the meatloaf out, my arm jolts up in accident I feel my arm get a burn on it.

"Ah!" I drop the meatloaf on the floor, holding my arm.

"Are you ok?" Christian is quick to my aid with a wet towel, draping it over the burn. He hurried away before I respond and gets a bandage, anti-burning cream, and rubbing alcohol. Quickly and gently, he removes the towel from my arm and begins to pour rubbing alcohol on it.

The Purest of Hearts: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now