Chapter Twelve

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The spring wedding ...

"Jodie! You look so beautiful!" Even though I was kind of butt hurt about not being the maid of honor, I'm just glad to be in her wedding. Jodie has her hair in a low bun ordained with beautiful cherry blossom flowers. All of or bouquets have one small branch from a cherry blossom tree surrounded by white tulips and roses.

I'm not a huge fan of pink but the light rose color definitely looks flattering. We finish up her makeup and the wedding planner who's more frazzled than the bride, hurls in.

"We're on in five ladies!" She turns around and bumps into someone. "You're not allowed in here!"

"It's ok Deana, he's my best friend. He can come in," Jodie smiles and gets up. Christian smiles his charming smile and he's breathtaking in his black suit. Unfortunately, he's not one of the groomsmen since Tony's are from grad school.

"You look beautiful," he says and gives her a small kiss on the cheek.

"He's so handsome!" One squeals.

"Is he married?" Another asks. My eyebrow twitches as I fold my arms.

"I heard he's gay." I reply and I can tell he's listening but he keeps up conversation with Jodie. The two girls sigh.

"It's always the mega hot ones," the first one says and they both leave.

Jodie and him walk off somewhere really quick and Jodie makes eye contact with me. For some reason, I feel my heart pounding and I'm nervous. What are they going to be talking about? Does he still have feelings for her? No, he can't. He's told me his feelings for me. So why are they acting so mysterious.

"Ok ladies! Where is the bride!" I think Deana is going to blow her head off.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Jodie hurries and Christian isn't anywhere to be found. Jodie looks intact and gives me a wink. "Wish me luck."

I smile and follow the line of ladies. The groomsmen line up with me and I have Tony's childhood friend who's been trying to hit on me the entirety of this wedding event. He's trying to whisper to me but I step on his foot.

"Ow! That hurt!" He growls.

"Oh, clumsy me." I say with no emotion and look forward. Christian is eyeing him like crazy until we finally go our separate sides of the alter. Finally, Jodie appeared with her boss who agreed to walk her down the isle.

Comments of her being beautiful and her gown were buzzing through the air. I look to Christian and he's staring at me and my face turns pink. Why the heck is he looking at me? Especially like that? I quickly look to my sister as she's handed off to Tony and the ceremony.

After the ceremony, food and drinks were brought to the tables and Christian, animated as ever, had me still at his hip. I would try to leave and talk to Jodie or the other bridesmaids but he kept me tight to him. I guess my gay comment is shot out of the water.

"Lets dance," Christian says and drags me to the dance floor. I can see the two girls in surprise when they see us together. I've never danced before but Christian makes it feel so easy.

"Why were you looking at me like that during the ceremony?" I ask and Christian looks behind me for a second and then back to me.

"If I tell you, you'd think I'm a creep." He replies and I chuckle. "That's your words not mine."

"Well, tell me what you were thinking." I state and he sighs. He spins me around once and I'm back in his arms.

"I was thinking about how beautiful you'd look walking down the isle to me," he says and my face turns bright red.

The Purest of Hearts: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now