Chapter Seven

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You'd think by now I'd be used to reading these books that Christian writes. But the words ... the way he describes me in them ...

"They're so unrealistic!" I blurt out and hurry up to his room. "Why do you have to depict me in this way! I want you to stop writing about me and-"

He's awake and he's not in a good mood. Then again though, he's never really in the best of moods when he wakes up.

"Heh, heh, just kidding! I'll make us some breakfast." I try leaving but he's quick and yanks me into bed.

"Christian wait!" I thrash around but he pins me down hard with his hands and hips. I blush crimson as he leans forward, his lips caressing mine.

"Why do you hate being written about so much?" He asks and I turn my head away which gives him the clear to kiss my neck.

"I just don't like it." I mutter out and he chuckles.

"That's a terrible excuse. I know you like it, I can feel it." He says. His hands are already up my dress!

"Christian, wait!" Before I can protest anymore, a pretty redhead pops in with bright green eyes.

"Christian! I'm here for your manuscripts!" She smiles and everything's paused. I'm mortified. She sees me like this! Under him!

"Come on I don't have all day. Plus, we have to discuss your next project so come down when you're ready," she says and gives me a wink.

Am I in the clear? I know she saw what just happened but I mean ...

"Don't worry," he says and kisses me swiftly. "Come down when you're ready."

I don't want to come down at all! He leaves me in the room and I hear them chatting it up. Once I'm composed, I head downstairs and grab my things for school today.

"Sophie, it's so nice to meet you! I know we've had so many phone conversations and meeting you for the first time today ... it's almost like we don't really need an introductory." Christian's editor, Annie, is a pretty redhead with bright green eyes and freckles all over her face.

"Yeah, I agree." I smile a crooked smile. Worst first impression I could have given her.

"Why do you guys talk on the phone so much?" Christian's already got a cigarette in his mouth as he looks at us in confusion.

"Because you slack on all of your deadlines and I have to have Sophie scold you when I can't!" Annie is all Medusa and snacks to him and whips in a one-eighty degree to me with a huge smile on a box in her hands.

"I also brought some of those VooDoo donuts everyone's been so crazy about," she hands a box to me and my eyes go big.

"I've been dying for these! Thank you!" I smile and take them to the fridge to make sure they don't go bad.

"Now, Christian, I need that manuscript." She turns to him and he hands it to her calmly. This is the most calm I've seen him with anyone. He hates visitors but she's someone he can tolerate. They sit quietly adjacent to each other and some part of me is jealous.

"I gotta go to class," I announce and walk towards the door. Christian gets up and places his hand on my head. I look down now.

"I'll see you later?" He asks and I nod my head.

I don't say anything more and hurry to the bus. I'm relieved that Christian stopped taking me to school for a while. I think he understood what I was going through without me needing to explain it. But for some reason, today I wish he'd take me to school. I know he would in a heartbeat but Annie is there and I can't take him away from work.

The Purest of Hearts: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now